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By: Ziad F. Gellad, MD

  • Associate Professor of Medicine
  • Core Faculty Member, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
  • Member in the Duke Clinical Research Institute


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I tried?uncertain in what I was doing for I?d never tried this before?to probe with my mind at the silence around her. My extra hearing had always come to me naturally, without asking; I?d never had to work at it. I saw my own face in her thoughts as she checked my expression, but I did not meet her glance. Her body would shift slightly in my direction, her chin would begin to turn, and then she would catch herself, take a deep breath, and stare fixedly at whoever was speaking. I ignored the other thoughts around the girl for the most part, as they were not, momentarily, about her. Mike Newton was planning a snow fight in the parking lot after school, not seeming to realize that the snow had already shifted to rain. The flutter of soft flakes against the roof had become the more common patter of raindrops. The humans filed out, and I caught myself trying to distinguish the sound of her footsteps from the sound of the rest, as if there was something important or unusual about them. Though he didn?t want to feel smug that I was the one who was weak now, I could hear that he did, just a little. It had been a mistake last week for Jasper to go so long without hunting; was this just as pointless a mistake? I took one last deep breath at the door of the classroom, and then held it in my lungs as I walked into the small, warm space. The girl sat at my?at our table, her face down again, staring at the folder she was doodling on. I examined the sketch as I approached, interested in even this trivial creation of her mind, but it was meaningless. I knew she heard the sound; she did not look up, but her hand missed a loop in the design she was drawing, making it unbalanced. She looked up then, her wide brown eyes startled?almost bewildered?and full of silent questions. As I stared into those oddly deep brown eyes, I realized that the hate?the hate I?d imagined this girl somehow deserved for simply existing?had evaporated. Not breathing now, not tasting her scent, it was hard to believe that anyone so vulnerable could ever justify hatred. I supposed, being shy as she seemed to be, attention would seem like a bad thing to her. Though they didn?t want to stand out from the herd, at the same time they craved a spotlight for their individual uniformity. Her expression?if I was reading it correctly?was torn between embarrassment and confusion. If I hadn?t been eavesdropping on all the others that first day, then I would have addressed her initially by her full name, just like everyone else. Quite astute, especially for someone who was supposed to be terrified by my nearness. But I had bigger problems than whatever suspicions about me she might be keeping locked inside her head. Unfortunately for her, sharing this table made her my lab partner, and we would have to work together today. It would seem odd?and incomprehensibly rude?for me to ignore her while we did the lab. It would make her more suspicious, more afraid I leaned as far away from her as I could without moving my seat, twisting my head out into the aisle. I braced myself, locking my muscles in place, and then sucked in one quick chest-full of air, breathing through my mouth alone. My throat was suddenly in flames again, the craving every bit as strong as that first moment I?d caught her scent last week. It felt like it took every single ounce of self-control that I?d achieved in seventy years of hard work to turn back to the girl, who was staring down at the table, and smile. I took another quick breath, through my teeth, and winced as the taste made my throat ache. It was like an electric pulse?surely much hotter than a mere ninety-eight point six degrees. Needing somewhere to look, I grasped the microscope and stared briefly into the eyepiece. Breathing as quietly as I could through my gritted teeth and trying to ignore the fiery thirst, I concentrated on the simple assignment, writing the word on the appropriate line on the lab sheet, and then switching out the first slide for the next. I looked up at her, surprised to see that she was waiting expectantly, one hand half-stretched toward the microscope. I couldn?t help but smile at the hopeful look on her face as I slid the microscope toward her. I dropped the next slide into her hand, not letting my skin come anywhere close to hers this time. We were the only ones done?the others in the class were having a harder time with the lab. Mike Newton seemed to be having trouble concentrating?he was trying to watch Bella and me. I looked down at the girl again, bemused by the wide range of havoc and upheaval that, despite her ordinary, unthreatening appearance, she was wreaking on my life. Not quite symmetrical?her narrow chin out of balance with her wide cheekbones; extreme in the coloring?the light and dark contrast of her skin and her hair; and then there were the eyes, brimming over with silent secrets Eyes that were suddenly boring into mine. I shrugged, my shoulders stiff, and glared straight ahead to where the teacher was making his rounds. Of course there was something different about my eyes since the last time she?d stared into them. I?d glutted myself on the blood of animals, not that it made much difference in the face of the outrageous flavor floating on the air around her. I?d sat beside humans for two years now at this school, and she was the first to examine me closely enough to note the change in my eye color. The others, while admiring the beauty of my family, tended to look down quickly when we returned their stares. They shied away, blocking the details of our appearances in an instinctive endeavor to keep themselves from understanding. I gratefully inhaled the gush of clean air he brought with him before it could mix with her scent. Though I had no idea at all what the girl thought of me?how much did she fear, how much did she suspect? She stared at me with obvious doubt in her eyes?an abnormal reaction to my very normal words. She was from a much brighter, warmer place?her skin seemed to reflect that somehow, despite its fairness?and the cold must make her uncomfortable. I would always remember the scent of her blood?was there any guarantee that I wouldn?t eventually follow after her? Actually, I found that it was getting slightly easier to breathe; the agony was becoming more bearable through familiarity. Perhaps common courtesy would keep her answering my questions as long as I was rude enough to ask them. This made me impatient; I wanted to put my hand under her chin and tilt her head up so that I could read her eyes. Her sadness left me feeling oddly helpless, wishing there was something I could do to make her feel better. Maybe the silence of her thoughts and the perfume of her scent were not the only unusual things about her. She sighed, and stared into my eyes for longer than most normal humans were able to stand. I couldn?t seem to stop speaking my hypotheses aloud, hoping to learn from her reactions. I continued to stare into her eyes, feeling that I?d finally gotten my first real glimpse into her soul. I shrugged, trying to seem casual, trying to conceal the intensity of my curiosity. Her discernment was better than mine?she saw right to the core of things while I floundered around the edges, sifting blindly through clues. I relied on my extra hearing too much?I clearly was not as perceptive as I gave myself credit for. No one had ever been in more danger from me than this little girl?at any moment I might, distracted by my ridiculous absorption in the conversation, inhale through my nose and attack her before I could stop myself?and she was irritated because I hadn?t answered her question. I?d never expended so much effort to understand someone in all my life?or rather existence, as life was hardly the right word. I smiled at her widely then, letting my lips pull back to expose the rows of gleaming, razor sharp teeth behind them. It was a stupid thing to do, but I was abruptly, unexpectedly desperate to get some kind of warning through to the girl. Her body was closer to me than before, having shifted unconsciously in the course of our conversation. All the little markers and signs that were sufficient to scare off the rest of humanity did not seem to be working on her. Surely she had seen enough of my darker side to realize the danger, intuitive as she seemed to be. She seemed a little relieved for the interruption, so maybe she understood unconsciously. I wanted to know more about her mother, her life before she came here, her relationship with her father. But every second I spent with her was a mistake, a risk she shouldn?t have to take. Absentmindedly, she tossed her thick hair just at the moment that I allowed myself another breath. As soon as the bell sounded, I fled from the classroom?probably destroying whatever impression of politeness I?d halfway constructed in the course of the hour. When I saw Alice ditching there at the end, I thought 2008 Stephenie Meyer 47 As we walked into the classroom, I saw his memory from just a few moments ago, seen through the open door of his last class: Alice walking briskly and blank-faced across the grounds toward the science building. If Alice needed his help, she would ask I closed my eyes in horror and disgust as I slumped into my seat. I know when it happened to me, he reminisced, taking me back with him half a century, to a country lane at dusk, where a middle-aged women was taking her dried sheets down from a line strung between apple trees. The scent of apples hung heavy in the air?the harvest was over and the rejected fruits were scattered on the ground, the bruises in their skin leaking their fragrance out in thick clouds. He followed me to the far side of the building, where he caught up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. It would have shattered the bones in a human hand, and the bones in the arm attached to it. He would tell the Spanish teacher that I was sick, or ditching, or a dangerously out of control vampire. I should have spent the time making decisions or trying to bolster my resolve, but, like an addict, I found myself searching through the babble of thoughts emanating from the school buildings. He was running over her response when he?d brought the subject up 2008 Stephenie Meyer 49 I?ve never seen him actually talk to anyone for more than a word here or there. It couldn?t have been much of a conversation He talked himself out of his pessimism in that way, cheered by the idea that Bella had not been interested in her exchange with me. This annoyed me quite a bit more than was acceptable, so I stopped listening to him. I wanted to know exactly when she would leave the gym, when she would be in the parking lot. As the students started to file out of the gym doors, I got out of my car, not sure why I did it. I didn?t move, though I tried to convince myself to get back in the car, knowing my behavior was reprehensible. I kept my arms folded across my chest and breathed very shallowly as I watched her walk slowly toward me, her mouth turning down at the corners. She got into a faded red Chevy truck, a rusted behemoth that was older than her father. I watched her start the truck?the old engine roared louder than any other vehicle in the lot?and then hold her hands out toward the heating vents. She combed her fingers through her thick hair, pulling locks through the stream of hot air like she was trying to dry them. I imagined what the cab of that truck would smell like, and then quickly drove out the thought. She stared back at me for only half a second, and all I could read in her eyes was surprise before she tore her eyes away and jerked the truck into reverse.

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Benchmark 2 Sweden herbs uses buy hoodia pills in toronto, more ambitious aims are therefore adopts a less ambitious There are herbals summit order hoodia 400 mg on line, however herbals stores purchase hoodia cheap online, arguments against being embraced herbals medicine cheap hoodia 400 mg without prescription. It asks whether countries basing early childhood services only on in the Nordic countries is that the have researched and published a targeting particular groups of children jeevan herbals review buy generic hoodia 400 mg. Canada herbs mill cheap 400mg hoodia with visa, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, or as being of signifcant beneft to all Early childhood education and care is the United States. Too often, services for the poor focuses primarily on social and emotional development and broader approach to early childhood play-based learning. Consistent monitoring and priority to disadvantaged children by government or indirectly by vouchers enforcement of standards can be both channelling additional funds to child or tax breaks to enable parents to expensive and fallible. Some private care centres that serve low income purchase child care from private providers are tempted to reduce less children or children with special providers. And staff turnover be provided to help steer the most provider of early childhood services in for-proft services tends to be capable teachers to the most and in many cases has led the way in higher (a factor which, from the disadvantaged children. Programmes critical in increasing availability, in-a-lifetime opportunity to pass targeted only on the basis of income affordability, choice, and quality in the successfully through critical stages of or geography may fail to reach the provision of early childhood services. First, the quality of early target groups (though this is in part a to the taxpayer. Private providers also childhood education and care being result of inadequate funding rather tend to be quicker to launch services provided may not always be evident to than targeting strategies per se). In parents either because they have principle, private services can be made insuffcient knowledge of what these arguments suggest that where affordable to all via vouchers or other constitutes ?quality or because possible the way forward lies down the forms of subsidy. Licensed private providers fail to communicate road adopted by countries such as the providers of child care services can adequately the quality of the services Netherlands universal services, but then be monitored to ensure they offer. This problem of ?imperfect with fexible fnancing systems that compliance with standards of access, information, it may be argued, applies can give priority to the disadvantaged quality, training, and staff-to-children to all transactions in the marketplace, by increasing per capita expenditures ratios (for example requiring private it being the responsibility of where need is greatest. If you choose to have children, your major negligent, frightening and bleak: a nightmare of responsibility is to care for them properly, and if that bewildered loneliness that was heartbreaking to watch. But no one Children at this age under three will want one thing wants to acknowledge this reality. Women have to pay others to look after the frst three years of life are those when children are too children because men aren?t willing to cut back on vulnerable, too much in need of intimate care and all it their work hours to do their share of the parenting. Oxford psychotherapist Susan Gerhardt, co-founder of the Oxford Parent Infant Project, has also spoken out ?In maternity hospitals, it is no longer the done thing to against child care for the very young. Mothers are strongly persuaded to have their extent to which the parent or caregiver is emotionally babies with them 24 hours a day. New arrangements involving grandparents, is necessary if services of the right Zealand and the Republic of Korea are friends, neighbours, local childminders, quality are to be made available to all, also rapidly broadening access to early and other forms of home-based or and if priority is to be given to childhood services as, to a lesser extent, neighbourhood group care for young disadvantaged and at-risk children. It arguments for focusing public policy make enrolment obligatory from the shows, for example, that in Austria, and public funding on diversely age of three. Canada, Germany, and Ireland about delivered but universally available early 60 per cent or more of women with childhood services funded and In North America, Canada postpones young children are in work but that supervised by governmental agencies. In response education and care is therefore pursue a different strategy for early to mounting evidence that high quality diffcult to measure and compare. Strong review of early childhood improved school performance and Or should other forms of child care services, ?that direct public funding of higher earnings to a reduced likelihood such as family day-care, playgroups, services brings more effective governmental of involvement in crime many states and after-school services be included? And is access quality, more effective training for result has been increased funding free and open to all or fee-paying and educators and a higher degree of equity pressure on the federal government, subject to eligibility criteria? The under-threes Nonetheless, publicly funded and For present purposes, these questions universal early childhood services are For children under the age of three, the are cut through rather than answered not a panacea, and do not in differences between countries are even by the extremely limited availability of themselves guarantee either equitable more marked. Progress Sweden, services are organized at towards these key goals needs to be community level and are highly Under the heading of ?access, regularly assessed and monitored subsidized, with parents usually paying benchmark 3 suggests that publicly regardless of the strategy being pursued. By signifcant proportion of children limits of the available data, to record contrast, the English-speaking countries under the age of three. The ?child care gap revealed is an approximate indication of the use made of informal child care arrangements. Enrolment of children 0-3 years Employment rates for women with youngest in licensed child care, 2004 child under the age of 3, 2005 Denmark Denmark Iceland **Iceland Norway **Norway Sweden Sweden United States United States Finland Finland Belgium Belgium New Zealand New Zealand Netherlands Netherlands Australia **Australia France France United Kingdom United Kingdom Portugal Portugal Spain Spain Republic of Korea **Republic of Korea Canada Canada Japan Japan Ireland **Ireland Germany Germany Hungary Hungary Austria Austria Italy Italy Mexico **Mexico Switzerland Switzerland 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% ** No data available. Note: Data for Canada, and Germany, concern 2001; data for France reflect 2002; data for Iceland, Mexico, and Norway concern 2003; and data for Australia, Denmark, the Republic of Korea, and the United States concern 2005. Many will consider the 25 per cent government commitment to publicly introducing children to subsidized, level too low. First, because it is less subsidized, well-regulated, high quality high quality child care until the age than the proportion of under threes child care services that are accessible and when formal schooling begins. Second, it is lower than where a high proportion of women the 33 per cent target already agreed are in work; but it also refects a While being a useful basis of by leaders of the European Union. The fact that services suggested 25 per cent access parental leave entitlements are making are subsidized by the state does not in benchmark for children under the age it increasingly possible for parents to itself guarantee quality, though of three is not intended as a measure exercise that choice. In Germany, for example, several recent studies have attempted to defne the issue more clearly. Are at higher risk of growing up in poverty (in one study, the risk of poverty for immigrant children was? Some of the studies drawn upon are small and may found to be approximately double that of children not be nationally representative. I N N O C E N T I R E P O R T C A R D 8 2 3 qualifcations, group size, and staff-to shows, this benchmark is met by 15 of caregiver, and in the ability of the adult children ratios. Ideally, suffcient numbers of well trained, well benchmark for the under-threes does enrolment of four year-olds would be supervised, and well remunerated early not refect whether or not provision is virtually 100 per cent, and there is childhood professionals. Benchmarks 5, being made for disadvantaged and again a concern that an 80 per cent 6, and 7 therefore set out minimum vulnerable children children from benchmark might disguise or sanction standards for, and compare current the poorest homes, children from the fact that the 20 per cent who may national performance against, three of immigrant and ?second language not be served are likely to be children the key, measurable aspects of quality backgrounds (Box 5), children whose from disadvantaged backgrounds. Not surprisingly, staff a salient defciency in this initial turnover in the child care sector is high. It is also an age at which above all else on the ability of the tend to be high (30 per cent per year almost all parents feel it is right that caregiver to build relationships with among child care employees in the their children should be in some kind children, and to help provide a secure, United States, for example, compared of regular group learning activity that consistent, sensitive, stimulating, and to under 7 per cent for school helps prepare them for the beginning rewarding environment. And it fall short of the required quality will attached to this benchmark applies to will not serve. Worse, from the point of view of untrained staff have to be employed to early childhood services are accounted the best interests of the child, they cover short-term needs, then an for by salaries. As there is substantial squander an opportunity that will not approved induction course in early evidence that staff with higher levels come again. Benchmark 5 also qualifcations provide more stimulating Benchmark 5 asks that all staff should attempts to address the issue of staff and supporting interaction with have at least initial training before quality and turnover by stipulating children, the scope for cost-cutting is taking up employment in early that pay and conditions in line with therefore limited if quality is to be childhood education and care. Moreover, services that suggested 80 per cent value currently professions are at least envisaged. Box 6 Child rights: in early childhood ?The education of the child shall be directed to the General Comment No. Young children are especially at the Committee on the Rights of the Child is charged by risk of discrimination because they are relatively the United Nations with promoting and monitoring powerless and depend on others for the realization of progress towards world-wide implementation of the 1989 their rights. It also universally available and are provided through a acknowledges the special vulnerability of the very young combination of State, private and charitable to poverty, discrimination and other adversities that can organizations. As a second step, actions may be to education during early childhood is interpreted as required that guarantee that all children have an equal beginning at birth. I N N O C E N T I R E P O R T C A R D 8 2 5 this benchmark too has obvious undemanding benchmark. It is also education, with specialist qualifcations weaknesses, being unable to capture surprising that Denmark and Norway, in early childhood studies or a related the extent or duration of the training with otherwise well-regarded early feld. In this context, States parties are experiences on their long-term prospects), States responsible for service provision for early childhood parties are urged to adopt comprehensive, strategic development. The role of civil society should be and time-bound plans for early childhood within a complementary to not a substitute for the role of rights-based framework. Where non-state services play a major role, human and fnancial resource allocations for early the Committee reminds States parties that they have an childhood services and programmes. Without the extra resources that training in the developmental needs of that are known to be associated with this requires, it is much less likely that pre-school children, is all that is the kind of stimulating, supportive staff early childhood education and care required. In the nations that fail to meet the In many of the countries that fall short minimum quality standard for early Fig. In some including family benefts or the costs group sizes down to a maximum of countries, it is still widely assumed that of parental leave entitlements). Mexico, for example, has much to little or no training is required for do if it is to meet this benchmark as it looking after infants and toddlers, that Once again, such fgures need to be rapidly expands pre-school education slightly more training may be required treated with caution; offcial statistics to its entire child population. In practical terms, improvements in pay underestimate (given that pre-schools and working conditions would be an in Sweden are of high quality and Acceptable staff-to-children ratios will, obvious step towards changing attitudes available for many hours per day in practice, vary with circumstance, and upgrading the profession, as would throughout the working year). An including the number of hours per day integrating early childhood care into additional concern is that in some in child care. But the research shows the wider teaching and caring cases state and local authority overwhelmingly that young children professions (as is already happening in expenditures may be excluded from need a great deal of one-to-one Denmark, Finland, and Sweden where national level fgures. It is opportunity for further training leading picture is changing; in the Republic of widely acknowledged that infants and to higher qualifcations. FranceFrance i Not including family benefts or the costs of parental leave NorwayNorway entitlements. Federal funds to the Bundeslander are not earmarked for early childhood BelgiumBelgium services; investment is therefore at the discretion of each Land. In the old Bundeslander (former United StatesUnited States West Germany), there is signifcant public investment in child care services, reaching over B10,000 per child per year in some AustriaAustria of the larger cities. United KingdomUnited Kingdom ItalyItaly SpainSpain NetherlandsNetherlands AustraliaAustralia GermanyGermanyii ii New ZealandNew Zealand JapanJapan SwitzerlandSwitzerland IrelandIreland Republic of KoreaRepublic of Korea 0. For availability of early childhood services in countries meet eight or more of the children younger than three years, order to meet the needs of both benchmarks (Fig. In countries where same six countries that top the table the costs will be greater still. Nonetheless, voucher schemes to choose and pay the broad conclusion to be drawn the overall message of such studies is for accredited child care services. Extending Finally, the adequacy of early attempt to suggest minimum standards the benefts of high quality early childhood services must also be for early childhood services. However good Benchmark 9 therefore suggests that ideal as the child care transition such services may be, they cannot be child poverty rates need to be brought unfolds. In the absence of specifc supported by the equivalent of a full 10 per cent by means of time-bound and well resourced policies to bring time working adult lives in poverty, and targets supported by a broad public high quality services to vulnerable that no family suffers from deep and and political consensus (so that the children, the movement towards out persistent poverty, regardless of xvii commitment can be maintained over of-home child care is therefore likely employment status. In most cases, this will disadvantage for children and parental benchmark of ?fewer than 10 per cent imply high quality, universally available education and income, there are also of children growing up in poverty. Of services subsidized by governmental well established links between the 25 countries for which data are agencies with fexible budgets and economic stress and the incidence of available, only 10 meet the required greater concentration of resources, staff depression, mental ill health, poor standard. But in order not to omit consistent fnding of research, in Inclusion this critical factor, benchmark 10 many different countries, that poverty the transition to out-of-home child proposes a proxy ?outreach measure. More than any other * Innocenti Report Card 6 also suggested that countries which services to all children, including the variable, it is low family income that have already achieved the ?less than 10 per cent child poverty poorest and most vulnerable, it looks is the most reliable predictor of target should aim at a fgure of 5 per cent or less. Benchmark 10 offers a proxy guide by measuring the outreach of essential mother-and-child health services. In order to identify those countries month-old children (for immunization Many wealthy countries have that have demonstrated sustained against the major vaccine-preventable excellent child health services and determination to ensure that even the diseases of childhood). Countries extraordinary progress has been made children of the most marginalized fulflling two of these three minimum in reducing infant mortality, low families are reached, benchmark 10 standards are considered to have met birthweight, and vaccine-preventable sets the bar high. Box 7 the data: a weakness for children Reducing disparity the 10 benchmarks proposed should be regarded as a frst step towards establishing a common core of minimum standards for early childhood services. Further refnement will depend on commonly agreed defnitions, more sensitive indicators, and better data. Concern and controversy surround currently available methods of evaluating the progress and attainments of the very young, and most authorities question the value of intensive testing for children as young as three. This would be diffcult, but this report is heavily circumscribed by the availability of internationally there is nothing impossible about it. Disparities of this kind have been measured in research projects and pilot In part, the weakness of the data, even at national level, can be put xix studies; and what can be measured down to the often private and informal nature of out-of-home child care, and of the decentralised and rapidly changing nature of early for the few can be monitored for the childhood services. In recent times, a great deal of the importance of the early childhood period and of the need to effort has been devoted to the monitor the services on which millions of young children increasingly monitoring of educational inequalities depend. Data that relate efforts have placed too much emphasis specifcally to pre-school children is much less common. More broadly, the available data refect an assumption that children younger than four or fve need care as opposed to education an the question now is not whether unhelpful distinction which, institutionalised, tends to downgrade early childhood services. Staff qualifcations and training, teaching methods early childhood education and care and curriculum, monitoring and evaluation all are as important in early can reduce disadvantage and inequality childhood education and care as they are in education systems serving older children. I N N O C E N T I R E P O R T C A R D 8 3 1 of opportunity, it is whether countries what is needed. It is equally clear that if benefts have commonly been found will apply what is known in order to the movement towards out-of-home to outweigh costs by as much as eight achieve this. When children reach the age However, interventions that work are suggests, successfully managing the of fve or six, all countries accept high rarely simple, inexpensive, or easy to transition to out-of-home child care levels of public expenditure on implement. The critical agenda for early will require at least a doubling of education because the public benefts childhood intervention is to advance current investment levels. Seeking to growing public demand for high investment are coming to seem support disadvantaged families, and to quality, subsidized early childhood increasingly anomalous and old counter the effects of poverty and risk education and care. Nonetheless, improving the high quality care offers long term Conclusion quality of early childhood education benefts to society in the form of What we are now witnessing across and care remains the most potent of increased productivity and incomes and the industrialized world can fairly be all available opportunities for resisting higher returns on investments in described as a revolution in how the the entrenchment of disadvantage. And to the extent that this progress towards this goal, the Third, there is widespread recognition change is unplanned and unmonitored, opportunity is likely to be missed. As several long-term education and care has enormous data on early childhood services to be studies have demonstrated, high quality potential for good for giving included in standardised data sets. The savings to be made for disadvantage, for advancing progress there can be no data; without data society as a whole in remedial towards equality for women, for there can be no monitoring; and education, in coping with social boosting educational achievement, and without monitoring there can be no exclusion, in responding to antisocial for investing in citizenship. Poor evidence-based policy, effective and criminal behaviour, and in the quality care, on the other hand, has the advocacy, or public accountability.

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The antecedents of pregnancy-related anxiety and fear of childbirth were studied in an unselected population of 278 less than 30 weeks pregnant women and their partners in the Helsinki capital area during 1996-1997. In multiple regression analyses psychological characteristics of the woman 2 contributed most to the probability of pregnancy-related anxiety (increase in R =0. Dissatisfaction of the partner with life and partnership were independent risk factors. In a longitudinal study of 211 unselected women, who were followed from mean gestational age of 17. The objective events during pregnancy or delivery (complications during pregnancy, pain in labor, or mode of delivery) did not predict puerperal depression. In hierarchical regression analyses, the 7 2 strongest predictors of disappointment with childbirth were labor pain (increase in R =0. After intervention, 62% of those primarily requesting a cesarean chose to deliver vaginally, equally in both groups. The more anxiety, neuroticism, vulnerability, depression, low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with the partnership, and lack of social support the woman reported, the more they expressed pregnancy-related anxiety and fear of childbirth. Depression during pregnancy predicts disappointment with childbirth and is a major predictor of puerperal depression. However, there might be an increase in catecholamine output in pregnant women with fear of childbirth. Noradrenaline, adrenocorticotropin, cortisol, and beta-endorphin responses to cold pressor test in women with fear of labor during and after pregnancy. It is expressed as being severe by six to ten percent of parturients and is manifested as nightmares, physical complaints and difficulties to concentrate on work or on family activities (Areskog et al. Fear of labor pain is strongly associated with the fear of pain in general (Areskog et al. Previous psychological morbidity and a great number of daily stressors expose a woman to a great risk of fear of childbirth (Areskog, et al. In women, previous experience of labor pain or pain in general, older age, and a high level of education are believed to increase pain tolerance (Melzack et al. In animal research, the increase in the pain threshold during pregnancy has been shown to be a consequence of the activation of the endorphin system during pregnancy (Gintzler 1980). The pain sensitivity of women with fear of childbirth has not earlier been studied. In these small groups, half of the women withdrew their request after being able to discuss their anxiety and fear, and vaginal deliveries after treatment were successful (Sjogren 1998). The transition to parenthood is a maturing process; at the end of this developmental process both woman and man have changed permanently, but not without an emotional turbulence and conflicts during the process (Bibring and Valenstein 1976, Oates 1989). The phases of the development of human personality have to be experienced in the correct sequence. This makes, on the one hand adolescent, and on the other hand older primiparous women, as well as single, or unsupported women more vulnerable to failure in the transition to parenthood. The recognition of the special needs of these women is essential to help them with the process (Oates 1989). Furthermore, pregnancy is also a family crisis, aiming at incorporating the new member into the family (Pines 1972). Psychologically, pregnancy consists of consecutive interdependent phases (Gloger-Tippelt 1983). During the first trimester, the previous identity of the woman is threatened and unconscious anxiety is common. During the second trimester, the woman adapts to the prospective motherhood and conceptualizes the child as an independent being. Unconscious anxiety is reduced and replaced by more a personalized worry about the well-being of the child (Gloger-Tippelt 1983, Oates 1989). Rich regressive fantasies and colorful dreams also characterize this period (Pines 1972). The final phase of pregnancy is the time of active preparation for the birth, the infant and the new life situation. Emotionally, social withdrawal with impaired interest to outside upheavals helps the woman to concentrate on giving birth. In childbirth, the woman loses the symbiotic relationship with the infant, which can also be a source of anxiety. The early mother-infant relationship and the formation of bonding (maternal attachment, (Bowlby 1969)), are seen as crucial for the well-being and development of the infant. The development of this relationship starts already during pregnancy, and the psychological well-being of the pregnant woman, including her feelings about pregnancy and childbirth, influences her ability to conceive the child as an independent being and therefore has an impact on attachment, as well (Robson and Kumar 1980, Hipwell et al. This in turn gives the impression of rational and systematic behavior, but, in fact, leads to a rigid attitude to antenatal care, delivery, and caretaking of the child (Bibring and Valenstein 1976, Barnett and Parker 1986). Women who were able to express anxiety during pregnancy have shown to cope better with caring for the child (Barnett and Parker 1986). Similarly, Raphael-Leff (1986) described two different attitudes towards pregnancy and motherhood: the regulator and the facilitator. The former expects the baby to adapt to the mother, when the latter kind of a mother adapts herself to the baby. Strategies concerning the prevention of maternal anxiety, and low well-being during puerperium, should make it possible for every woman to embrace the individual maternal role according to her wishes and expectations (Raphael-Leff 1986). In studies both on prenatal anxiety and on fear of childbirth different kinds of diagnostic methods and criteria have been used. Prenatal anxiety can been seen as a construction of different dimensions of anxiety. Later, Levin (1991) identified the following three dimensions of pregnancy-related anxiety: being pregnant, childbirth, and hospitalization. In most of the studies on prenatal anxiety and its effects on pregnancy outcome, anxiety has been studied with questionnaires originally made for the measurement of general anxiety (Crandon 1979, Reading and Cox 1985, Barnett and Parker 1986, Kennerley and Gath 1989, Pagel et al. Pregnancy or childbirth related fear or anxiety has been taken into account in some studies (Standley, et al. Although women with fear of childbirth are often generally anxious (Areskog, et al. Anxiety proneness can be seen as an individual characteristic, which reflects the way people anticipate and experience various life events, like pregnancy and childbirth (Pulkkinen 1996). Swedish obstetrician Areskog conducted the first studies on fear of childbirth (Areskog, et al. She interviewed 139 low-risk women during their third trimester of pregnancy, and combined the results with those of a new questionnaire with 19 items on childbirth, and thereby assessed the prevalence of moderate fear of childbirth to be 17% and severe fear of childbirth about 6% (Areskog, et al. Also other kinds of questionnaires or interviews have been used to evaluate the degree and contents of prenatal fears (Neuhaus et al. More than 80% of low-risk pregnant women experience some fear of childbirth (Szeverenyi et al. In general, anxiety during pregnancy is very constant, declining somewhat in the second trimester, but being most significant during the last trimester (Rofe et al. In addition, hypochondrial fears are more common in pregnant women than in general (Fava et al. Anxiety can also appear as various complaints such as abdominal pain during pregnancy, increased need for sick leave and visits to the maternity hospital (Forde 1992, Vartiainen et al. However, it is known from general practice, that up to 50% of all patients with general anxiety are diagnosed incorrectly (Zajecka 1997). Th e influence ofpsych ologicalfactorsonpregnancy,labor,and puerperium asreported inth e literature Psych ologicalfinding O bstetricfindings R eferences F earofch ildbirth and M orningsicknessand vomiting H ofbergand B rockington2000 pregnancy-related L ow gestationalage W adh wa,etal. However, not all studies have been able to verify this kind of association (Newton and Hunt 1984). Intrauterine growth retardation and asphyxia are the most remarkable fetal effects among anxious women (Lederman, et al. This altered blood flow pattern may be caused by increased noradrenaline concentrations (Starkman et al. Also other psychological factors during pregnancy have an impact on wellbeing during puerperium (Table 1). Postnatal anxiety is predictable from prenatal anxiety, and self-depreciatory and neurotic women are at great risk to postnatal anxiety and maternity blues (Barnett and Parker 1986, Engle, et al. With depressed mothers, the mother-infant relationship (attachment) can be 17 disturbed, and their children are at a greater risk for behavioral and emotional problems (Murray 1992). Dissatisfaction with delivery is highly associated with the mode of delivery; those giving birth spontaneously being the most satisfied and those having operative (either vaginal or abdominal) delivery being the most dissatisfied (Neuhaus, et al. Also intolerable or untreated labor pain, feelings of loss of control, and dissatisfaction with own coping during childbirth are related to postpartum emotional disturbance (Niven and Gijsbers 1984, Reading and Cox 1985). Anxious and neurotic women rate their hospital experience and the help from the staff lower than the less anxious and neurotic women (Barnett and Parker 1986). Data on factors predisposing to anxiety during pregnancy and/or fear of childbirth are collected in Table 2, and further, the common causes expressed by pregnant women for prenatal and delivery related fears are summarized in Table 3. Factors predisposing to anxiety during pregnancy or fear of childbirth References Young maternal age Standley, et al. As an innate type of fear, it differs clearly from other kinds of fears, which are acquired. In a study of 100 pregnant women with fear of childbirth, 47% of nulliparous women were afraid of intolerable pain (Sjogren 1997). In an unselected population the fear of labor pain is not the foremost fear but rather a worry for the well-being of the child (Neuhaus, et al. Fear makes patients to react more strongly to possible signals (hypervigilance) and appraise them as dangerous by interfering with cognitive functioning and increasing the psychophysiological reactivity (Vlaeyen and Linton 2000). The fear of pain influences the way in which people react to a given information (Asmundson et al. Studies on patients with chronic pain suggest that pain-related fear can be more disabling than the pain itself, especially when it implies poor general well-being and pain-avoidance (McCracken et al. Pain-avoiding behavior is associated with a neurotic personality (Asmundson et al. Prenataland delivery-related fearsinanunselected orselected populationwith clinicalfearofch ildbirth R eference Studypopulation M eth od F ive mostcommonfears(prevalence) DiR enzo,etal. Fear of death is expressed by up to 41% of women with a previous experience of complicated childbirth (Sjogren 1997). In a British study, 3% of women with objectively normal childbirth expressed significant levels of posttraumatic symptoms (Czarnocka and Slade 2000, Ayers and Pickering 2001). Previous psychological disturbances or negative experiences as a patient, first childbirth, feelings of insecurity or threat during childbirth, poor relationship with the partner, and difficulties in the acceptance of pregnancy and transition to parenthood predisposed women to posttraumatic stress reactions (Mutryn 1993, Ryding, et al. This involved both physical and psychological incapacity, and was unrelated to parity or previous experience of childbirth. Further, this leads to a lack of confidence towards medical personnel, therefore increasing helplessness and despair. It is noteworthy, that traumatic events during childhood are often actively forgotten, and often the woman herself does not understand the antecedents of her fear (Rhodes and Hutchinson 1994). Because of the fast changes in western society during the past generation, the significance and admiration of maternity have decreased at the expense of work and career. These concerns were not as common as those about pregnancy and childbirth, and decreased after proper preparation and education (Standley, et al. During puerperium, anxious and neurotic women feel less confident about parenting and estimate their coping with the baby lower than women with low anxiety (Barnett and Parker 1986). Further, maternal feelings towards the infant during pregnancy predict how the maternal role is assumed when the child is born (Fowles 1996). Regarding the marital relationship, the birth of a child into a family can be both unifying or separating, depending the structure of the relationship before childbirth (Lewis 1988). If the child is seen as an intruder, ambivalent feelings towards parenthood and dissatisfaction with the marital relationship are common. Also the experiences and examples of his own father either help or complicate his future paternity. At the first stage of labor, pain from the increased uterine pressure, stretching of the ligaments and pressure towards the cervix is largely visceral in origin. Pain is reflected to the segments Th 11-12 in the latent phase and then it spreads to Th 10 and L1 during the active first stage. During the transitional and second stages somatic pain originating from the pressure to the pelvic floor, vagina, and perineum becomes more pronounced. It is restricted mostly to the area nerved by the pudendal nerve and reflected to the sacral segments S2-4 (Brownridge 1995). During uterine contraction pain, a neuroendocrinological stress response is evoked, with many physiological effects. Pain during contractions stimulates breathing, and can result in hyperventilation, increased oxygen consumption, and further through respiratory alkalosis and vasoconstriction in the uterine vascular bed, to fetal metabolic acidosis (May and Elton 1998). Increased noradrenaline activity can further reduce placental blood flow, as well as diminish uterine contractions, thus compromising both the well-being of the fetus and the succession of vaginal childbirth (Lederman, et al. Once pain is relieved, breathing returns to normal and the respiratory alkalosis is withdrawn. Furthermore the metabolic acidosis is reversed, leading to the improvement of uterine contractions and the well-being of the fetus (May and Elton 1998).

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Her symptoms are classical in that she has nausea with occasional vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia, throbbing, and pain. Often, when a patient experiences no vomiting with headache, a diagnosis of ?probable migraine should be considered. With regard to her current medications, she is on a low dose of oral contraceptives (20 ug). She tried a triptan one time, but it failed to provide relieve and she experienced some traditional ?triptan side effects. In this case, she probably did not need to try amitriptyline as her headache frequency was relatively low. If she took it late in the attack, she may have difficulty getting response from any triptan. She also may find that a different formulation may offer benefits, especially if she is nauseated or vomiting. However, given the cardiovascular side effect profile of triptans, it is important to discussion the risks of cardiac valve disorders and use of triptans. Usually, it is not a problem to use triptans in these patients, but she should be aware of her murmur and associated risks of all medications she might take. However, upon further treatment, she found that naratriptan worked fine, but with sumatriptan relief was a little better. Although she reported simple brief visual auras, she could probably continue to take her oral contraceptive therapy. Lastly, because her migraine is not frequent and she is responding to triptan therapy, now that she knows how to take her medication and what to expect as side effects, she may not need to be tried on preventive therapy. However, she may benefit from other nonpharmacological or other therapies, which routinely should be considered with most migraine patients. Y78 Malign neoplasm male genital other R02 Shortness of breath/dyspnoea S88 Dermatitis contact/allergic W19 Breast/lactation symptom/complaint Y79 Benign/unspec. Social Problems Z R25 Sputum/phlegm abnormal S99 Skin disease, other W78 Pregnancy Z01 Poverty/financial problem R26 Fear of cancer respiratory system W79 Unwanted pregnancy Z02 Food/water problem R27 Fear of respiratory disease, other Endocrine/Metabolic W80 Ectopic pregnancy Z03 Housing/neighbourhood problem R28 Limited function/disability (r) W81 Toxaemia of pregnancy Z04 Social cultural problem R29 Respiratory symptom/complaint oth. Acute pericarditis marCio tonini1*, dirCeu thiaGo Pessoa de melo2, Fabio Fernandes3 1M. The main complication Article received: 2/10/2015 of acute pericarditis is pericardial effusion, triggering a cardiac tamponade. The Accepted for publication: 2/12/2015 frst line of treatment is the use of anti-infammatory and or acetylsalicylic acid. It affects mainly young males Approximately one third of cases of idiopathic peri (aged between twenty and ffty years) without previous carditis are associated with myocarditis, which is mani pathologies and represents 5% of all causes of chest pain fested by elevation of myocardial injury biomarkers, such in the emergency room. The long-term prognosis the main specifc causes are cancer and connective for patients who have idiopathic pericarditis with asso tissue diseases (especially systemic lupus erythematosus). For other specifc etiologies it is much more familial Mediterranean fever, which may be causes of re common, such as 2. Constriction may be physical exaMination transient or reversible in 15% of patients with acute peri the physical examination may reveal a febrile patient with carditis. Pericardial friction is present in 85% of have not shown constrictive progression, and the data are cases and is characterized by rough, irregular sounds consistent with the previous observation that idiopathic heard best at the left sternal border. This may have an in recurrent pericarditis does not lead to constrictive peri termittent character, so it is important to conduct a se carditis. Larger effusions (> 20 mm in width, as deter ure 1), and one should differentiate pericarditis between mined by echocardiography) are present in about 3% of acute myocardial infarction and early repolarization. Irradiation to culture for virus have low diagnostic sensitivity, and the trapezius muscle is very suggestive of the diagnosis, and is due to the close relationship between the phren ic nerve which innervates the trapezius muscle and the pericardium. Often the pain has postural character, worsening in supine position and improving when sit ting. A low-volume but quickly accumu lated effusion can cause cardiac tamponade without extending the silhouette, which reinforces the impor tance of echocardiography in patients with acute peri carditis, even if the cardiac silhouette is normal to the X-ray. Note the large, circumferential effusion idence B):6 this is important to detect the presence of with diastolic collapse of the right ventricle (arrow). It is indi cated in all cases involving diagnostic uncertainty or signs of hemodynamic impairment. A clinical diagnosis of acute pericarditis can od to detect acute pericarditis is delayed enhancement be made when at least two of these criteria are present. In this imaging exam, the pericardium usu the presence of elevated infammatory markets (C-reac ally appears black due to its low water content; how tive protein and/or erythrocyte sedimentation rate) can ever, in patients with pericarditis, gadolinium uptake be used to confrm the diagnosis (Table 1). To the left, image obtained by magnetic resonance imaging; to the right, treatMent computed tomography with contrast. The frst line of treatment (Table 2) is the use of anti-in fammatory drugs and/or acetylsalicylic acid. It also acts in the migration of granulo were not receiving anticoagulants), which account for cytes and other cells, reducing the activity of phagocytes. Colchicine is predominantly eliminated by bil It has been proposed that the normalization of C-re iary excretion and to a lesser extent (5 to 20%) by the en active protein levels in high sensitivity tests (initially in teric and hepatic cytochrome P 450 system. Some patients have no evidence of peri cardial infammation during recurrences, and it is unclear recurrent pericarditis whether patients with recurrences have an active viral in the risk of recurrence is higher for women and for pa fection or an immunological basis for the syndrome. For the reasons de Kg) recurrence scribed above, treatment with glucocorticoids should be avoided, if possible. Pericardiectomy is not consistently effective, perhaps A principal etiologia sao as infeccoes virais, embora tam because visceral pericardium remains after the procedure, bem possa ser secundaria a afeccoes sistemicas. Prognosis of idiopathic recurrent pericarditis as determined from previously published dias. Imazio M, Brucato A, Maestroni S, Cumetti D, Dominelli A, Natale G, Palavras-chave: pericardite aguda, derrame pericardico, Trinchero R. Prevalence of C-reactive protein elevation and time course of dor toracica, colchicina. Clinical Azathioprine in isolated recurrent pericarditis: a single centre experience. Pericardiectomy vs medical management in patients with relapsing and without myocardial involvement: results from a multicenter, prospective pericarditis. Imazio M, Brucato A, Maestroni S, Cumetti D, Belli R, Trinchero R, Adler background in the development and recurrence of acute idiopathic Y. Radio, television, com the point that a portion of the population is experienc puters, cell phones, and their accompanying cell phone ing adverse reactions when they are exposed. We have city palpitations, pain or pressure in the chest accompanied wide WiFi in some communities, WiFi at work, at home, by anxiety, and an upregulation of the sympathetic nerv in school, universities, and hospitals, in restaurants and ous system coincident with a downregulation of the coffee shops, on public transit, at airports, and on an parasympathetic nervous system typical of the ?fight-or increasing number of airplanes. Provocation studies presented in this be insatiable for wireless technology and the connectivity article demonstrate that the response to electrosmog is it affords. All of the neurobehavioral studies reported invented the incandescent light bulb and Tesla and more symptoms with proximity to base stations, and only Brought to you by | University of California Berkeley Authenticated | 169. Nausea Nausea 100-200 50-100 >300 200-300 Residential distance of transmitter (m) Figure 2 Symptoms experienced by people near cellular phone base stations [based on the work of Santini et al. Obviously, this does not happen with real Historically, environmental contaminants have aging. According to the authors, Some governments have heeded the warnings and by 2017, 50% of the population is going to be complaining have exposure guidelines that are a fraction of those rec of this illness. Some would advocate, at the very least, lower exposure 15 Austria Hallberg and Oberfeld 2006 Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine 25: 189?191. California England Germany Ireland 10 Sweden Extrapolation to 2017: 50% population y=1E-226e0. In that document, is if there were 16 people with diabetes among a group of they recognize that there is a rise in stress-related illness 100 people who all thought they were diabetic. They even provide analysis of blood sugar measurements before and after a temporary code (Z58. Electrosmog affects the blood Research on the mechanisms involved in the rouleau for Healthy blood consists of erythrocytes (red blood cells), mation is needed. With rouleau formation, the surface area of the red A live blood sample, consisting of a drop of blood from blood cells is significantly reduced, and the release of a finger prick, can be viewed under the microscope, as nutrients and the removal of waste products are compro shown in Figure 4. Symptoms may include headaches, difficulty con ing of these erythrocytes can indicate impaired health. The erythrocytes are sticking together and how quickly it recovers following exposure may be a and resemble a stack of coins. Usually rouleau is caused by an increased fibrinogen concentration or other changes in plasma proteins as in Electrosmog affects the heart and multiple myeloma or macroglobulinemia. An alternative explanation is that the rouleau may be due to a reduction the autonomic nervous system in the electrical potential at the cell membrane, which would weaken the repellent forces between cells. A third Some people who are electrically hypersensitive complain possibility is that it is a microscopic artifact, which, in of pain or pressure in the chest area, heart palpitations, A Low electrosmog B Cordless phone Wired computer Figure 4 Live blood cells in a low-electrosmog environment (A), after using a cordless phone for 10 min (B), and after using a wired computer for 70 min (C). This was a double-blind and legs to prepare the organism for fighting or fleeing a study with randomized real and sham exposure. Intermittent exposure may not cause a less phone base station was selected as the source of problem but if the exposure is continuous and long-term, exposure because the base emits a constant beacon signal the immune system of the body will be compromised and when it is plugged into an electrical outlet. The beacon the body will not be able to repair itself, resulting in symp signal in this case was a pulsed frequency of 2. This inability to heal is what In the original study (11), 25 subjects from Colorado then accelerates the symptoms of aging. Subjects were exposed station (see Figure 5, subject A), a few did react with either to 3? According to these organizations, harmful biologic effects Two examples of responsive subjects are provided. Both blood the heart rate of subject B increased from a resting heart and heart results from these provocation experiments rate of 68 beats per minute (bpm) to a rapid 122 bpm indicate otherwise, i. This reaction occurred while the subject was the cordless phone provocation study has since been resting in a supine position and was unaware of when he repeated for a larger group of subjects and shows similar or she was or was not exposed. During the exposure to radiation from the cordless Some suggested that the radiation from the cord phone base station, subject C (Figure 6) experienced less phone was interfering with the technology rather a slight increase in heart rate (from 65 to 86 bpm), an than the heart. A 12-year-old girl experienced nausea, vomit ing, no fever, insomnia, blurred vision, and tachycardia only at school. What they should also be doing is trying to subject who was nonresponsive to the original levels. The normally low that cardiovascular abnormalities be used as screening heart rate, 53?55 bpm, began to increase slightly (61 bpm) criteria to exclude people from occupations involving 25 min postexposure. Perhaps students need to be screened at school to ensure that they do not have an underlying heart condition that may be exacerbated with WiFi microwave exposure. The increasing exposure Students in schools with WiFi are complaining of head to electrosmog may be to blame for at least part of this aches, difficulty concentrating, weakness, and heart pal increase. To date, at least nine countries have In one Ontario school district, several students com issued warnings that children should limit their use of cell plained of heart problems. The effects of microwave radiation and provided more than same is true for cordless phones and wireless baby moni 2000 references in 1972. Voice-activated baby monitors and cordless phones were conducted at levels above existing guidelines, we that radiate only when in use are available in Europe but are getting similar results at levels of microwave radiation are not currently available in North America. Most revealing are the ?psychophysiologic disorders based on human behavioral studies. These disorders Historic research on microwave include the following and are similar to those reported by Santini et al. Dodge (16) reviewed the Soviet and Eastern had access to information that was later declassified. General subjective complaints resulting from exposure Symptoms experienced ?very often by those who to electromagnetic radiation (16) live within 300 m of a cell phone base station (2) Similar symptoms Pain in head and eyes Headaches and visual disruptions Weakness, weariness, and dizziness Dizziness and fatigue Depression, antisocial tendencies, and general irritability Depression and irritability Impairment of memory and general mental function Memory loss Adenoma and inability to make decisions Difficulty concentrating Chest pain and heart palpitation Cardiovascular Dyspepsia, epigastric pain, and loss of appetite Loss of appetite Sensitivity of mechanical stimulation and dermagraphism Skin problems Different symptoms Lacrimation Irritability Hypochondria, sense of fear, and general tension Nausea Inhibition of sex life (male) Movement difficulties Scalp sensations and hair loss Hearing disruption Trembling of eyelids, tongue, and fingers Sleep disturbance Asthma Feeling of discomfort Brittle fingernails Brought to you by | University of California Berkeley Authenticated | 169. Figure 7 Two future health scenarios based on the steps we take or fail to take to reduce electrosmog exposure. If we do nothing about guidelines and allow WiFi to be the choice is ours, and the real question is, ?Do we installed in schools, if we allow WiMax to come into have the foresight and courage to make the right decision neighborhoods as part of the 4G network, if we allow or will we require a health tsunami before we act? Epidemiological evidence for a health risk from student behavior in three Minnesota schools. Meeting of environmental medicine officers Brought to you by | University of California Berkeley Authenticated | 169. Biological effects and health implications of Association, Vienna, Austria, March 3, 2012. Heart Rhythm Do people with idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed 2008;5:794?9. Clinical and hygienic aspects of exposure to electro exposed to electromagnetic fields?

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