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By: Cristina Gasparetto, MD
- Professor of Medicine
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Recovery usually occurs in a few weeks adhd medications 6 year old discount sustiva 200mg with mastercard, but a very small proportion of individuals can take months to medicine 2015 song 200 mg sustiva fast delivery regain their former level of energy medicine rheumatoid arthritis buy genuine sustiva online. A heterophile-negative form of a syndrome resembling infectious mononucleosis is due to medicine zocor generic 600 mg sustiva with visa cytomegalovirus and accounts for 5% to medications starting with p purchase 200mg sustiva 7% of the “mono syndrome” (see Cytomegalovirus infections); other rare causes are toxoplasmosis and herpesvirus type 6 (see Exanthema subitum following rubella) medicine 2410 sustiva 200mg. Infection is common and widespread in early childhood in developing countries and in socioeconomically depressed population groups, where it is usually mild or asymptomatic. Typical infectious mononucleosis occurs primarily in industrialized countries, where age of infection is delayed until older childhood and young adulthood, so that it is most commonly recognized in high school and college students. About 50% of those infected develop clinical infectious mononucleosis; the others are mostly asymptomatic. Mode of transmission—Person-to-person spread by the oropharyngeal route, via saliva. Young children may be infected by saliva on the hands of nurses and other attendants and on toys, or by prechewing of baby food by the mother, a practice in some countries. Use hygienic measures including handwashing to avoid salivary contamination from infected individuals; avoid drinking beverages from a common container to minimize contact with saliva. Identification—An acute viral disease characterized by fever, swelling and tenderness of one or more salivary glands, usually the parotid and sometimes the sublingual or submaxillary glands. Not all cases of parotitis are caused by mumps infection, but other parotitis-causing agents do not produce parotitis on an epidemic scale. As many as 40%–50% of mumps infections have been associated with respiratory symptoms, particularly in children under 5. Pancreatitis, usually mild, occurs in 4% of cases; a suggested association with diabetes remains unproven. Mumps infection during the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with a high (25%) incidence of spontaneous abortion, but there is no firm evidence that mumps during pregnancy causes congenital malformations. Serosurveys conducted prior to mumps vaccine introduction found that in some countries 90% of persons were immune by age 15 years, while in other countries a large proportion of the adult population remained susceptible. In countries were mumps vaccine has not been introduced, the incidence of mumps remains high, mostly affecting children 5–9. More than 90% of recipients develop immunity that is long-lasting and may be lifelong. Better data are needed to establish more precise estimates of aseptic meningitis incidence in recipients of different strains of mumps vaccine. The rates of aseptic meningitis due to mumps vaccine are at least 100-fold lower than rates of aseptic meningitis due to infection with wild mumps virus. In addition to routine vaccination with a single dose of mumps vaccine at 12–18 months, some countries schedule another dose of mumps vaccine and some countries have conducted mass campaigns to reach broader target groups. The pain tends to be more abdominal than thoracic in infants and young children, while the reverse applies to older children and adults. Complications occur infrequently and include orchitis, pericarditis, pneumonia and aseptic meningitis. During outbreaks of epidemic myalgia, cases of group B coxsackievirus myocarditis of the newborn have been reported; while myocarditis in adults is a rare complication, the possibility should always be considered. Diagnosis is suggested by the appearance of similar symptoms among multiple family members; it is confirmed by a significant rise in antibody titre against specific etiologic agents in acute and convalescent sera, or isolation of the virus in cell culture or neonatal mice from throat secretions or patient feces. Many group A and B coxsackieviruses and echoviruses have been reported in sporadic cases. Period of communicability—Apparently during the acute stage of disease; stools may contain virus for several weeks. Susceptibility—Probably general; type-specific immunity presumably results from infection. Control of patient, contacts and the immediate environment: 1) Report to local health authority: Obligatory report of epidemics, Class 4 (see Reporting). Individuals with suspected enterovirus infections (including health personnel) should be excluded from visiting maternity and nursery units and from contact with infants and women near term. Lesions are usually on the foot or lower leg, sometimes on the hand, shoulders and back, and rarely at other sites. Specific diagnosis depends on visualizing the granules in fresh preparations or histopathological slides and isolation of the causative actinomycete or fungus in culture. Susceptibility—Causal agents are widespread in nature, but clinical infection is rare, which suggests intrinsic resistance. Preventive measures: Protect against puncture wounds by wearing shoes and protective clothing. Amoebae have been misidentified as macrophages and have been mistaken for Entamoeba histolytica when microscopic diagnoses are made under low magnification. Reservoir—Acanthamoeba and Naegleria are free-living in aquatic and soil habitats. Naegleria trophozoites colonize the nasal tissues, then invade brain and meninges by extension along the olfactory nerves. Eye infections have occurred primarily in soft contact lens wearers; homemade saline used as a cleaning or wetting solution and exposure to spas or hot tubs have been implicated as sources of corneal infection. Apparently healthy individuals develop Naegleria infection; immunodeficient individuals have increased susceptibility to infection with Acanthamoeba and probably Balamuthia. No infection is known to have been acquired in a standard chlorinated swimming pool. Control of patient, contacts and the immediate environment: 1) Report to local health authority: Not reportable in most countries, Class 3 (see Reporting). Identification—A chronic bacterial disease of animals and humans which may be localised or disseminated. Biopsy or autopsy usually clearly establishes involvement, although histopathology may be non-specific. Mode of transmission—Typically acquired through inhalation or skin inoculation of skin, with some species and geographical variation in clinical manifestations. Surgical drainage of abscesses may be needed in addition to antibiotherapy; intracerebral lesions in immunocompromised patients should be considered early for biopsy because of the wide differential diagnosis and variable antibiotic susceptibility C. Identification—A chronic nonfatal filarial disease with fibrous nodules in subcutaneous tissues, particularly of the head and shoulders (America) or pelvic girdle and lower extremities (Africa). The female worm discharges microfilariae that migrate through the skin, often causing an intense pruritic rash when they die, with chronic dermatitis-altered pigmentation, oedema and atrophy of the skin. Pigment changes, particularly of the lower limbs, give the condition known as “leopard skin” while loss of skin elasticity and lymphadenitis may result in “hanging groin”. Microfilariae frequently reach the eye, where their invasion and subsequent death causes visual disturbance and blindness. Microfilariae may be found in organs and tissues other than skin and eye, but the clinical significance of this is not yet clear; in heavy infections they may also be found in blood, tears, sputum and urine. Laboratory diagnosis is made through microscopic examination of fresh superficial skin biopsy incubated in water or saline with observation of microfilariae; through evidence of microfilariae in urine; or through the finding of adult worms in excised nodules. Differentiation of the microfilariae from those of other filarial diseases is required where the latter are also endemic. In low density infections, where microfilariae are not found in the skin and are not present in the eyes, the Mazzotti reaction (characteristic pruritus after oral administration of 25 mg of diethylcarbamazine citrate or topical application of the drug) may be used. This test may be dangerous in heavily infected individuals and has been abandoned in many countries. Infectious agent—Onchocerca volvulus, a filarial worm belonging to the class Nematoda. Occurrence—Geographic distribution in the Western Hemisphere is limited to Guatemala (principally on the western slope of the continental divide); southern Mexico (states of Chiapas and Oaxaca); foci in northern and southern Venezuela; and small areas in Brazil (states of Amazonas and Roraima), Colombia and Ecuador. In sub-Saharan Africa, the disease occurs in an area extending from Senegal to Ethiopia down to Angola in the west and Malawi in the east; also in Yemen. The disease can be transmitted experimentally to chimpanzees and has been found rarely in nature in gorillas. Microfilariae, ingested by a blackfiy feeding on an infected person, penetrate thoracic muscles of the fiy, develop into infective larvae, migrate to the cephalic capsule, are liberated on the skin and enter the bite wound during a subsequent blood-meal. In Africa, vectors could be infective 7 days after a blood-meal; in Guatemala the extrinsic incubation period is measurably longer (up to 14 days) because of lower temperatures. Reinfection of infected people may occur; severity of disease depends on cumulative effects of the repeated infections. Preventive measures: 1) Avoid bites of Simulium fiies by wearing protective clothing and headgear as much as possible or by use of an insect repellent such as diethyltoluamide. H-14, a biological insecticide formulated as an aqueous suspension, can be used at a dose 2. H-14, which has a much shorter carry and therefore needs numerous application points along the river. In endemic communities, ivermectin treatment for whole eligible population at least once yearly is recommended. Epidemic measures: In areas of high prevalence, concerted efforts to reduce incidence, taking measures listed under 9A. Ivermectin is now being distributed to communities on an ever-increasing scale as a replacement for larviciding. Contagious ecthyma parapoxvirus of domesticated camels may infect people on rare occasions. Mode of transmission—Direct contact with the mucous membranes of infected animals, with lesions on udders of nursing dams, or through intermediate passive transfer from apparently normal animals contaminated by contact, knives, shears, stall manger and sides, trucks and clothing. Human lesions show a decrease in the number of virus particles as the disease progresses. Preventive measures: Good personal hygiene and washing the exposed area with soap and water. The efficacy and safety of Parapoxvirus vaccines in animals has not been fully determined. Control of patient, contacts and the immediate environment: 1) Report to local health authority: Not required, but desirable when a human case occurs in areas not previously known to have the infection, Class 5 (see Reporting). The less common juvenile (acute) form is characterized by reticuloendothelial system involvement and bone marrow dysfunction. Keloidal blastomycosis (Lobo disease), a disease involving skin only, formerly confused with paracoccidioidomycosis, is caused by Lacazia loboi, a fungus known only in tissue form and not yet grown in culture. Occurrence—Endemic in tropical and subtropical regions of South America and, to a lesser extent, Central America and Mexico. Workers in contact with soil, such as farmers, laborers, and construction workers are especially at risk. Mode of transmission—Presumably through inhalation of contaminated soil or dust. The sputum generally contains orange-brown fiecks, sometimes diffusely distributed, in which masses of eggs are seen microscopically and establish the diagnosis. However, acid-fast staining for tuberculosis destroys the eggs and precludes diagnosis. Eggs are also swallowed, especially by children, and may be found in feces by some concentration techniques. Occurrence—The disease has been reported in eastern and southwestern Asia, India, Africa and the Americas. Of the Latin American countries, Ecuador is the most affected, with about 500 000 estimated infections; cases have also occurred in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. Pickling of these crustaceans in wine, brine or vinegar, a common practice in Asia, does not kill encysted larvae. Incubation period—Flukes mature and begin to lay eggs approximately 6–10 weeks after ingestion of the infective larvae. Period of communicability—Eggs may be discharged by those infected for up to 20 years; duration of infection in molluscan and crustacean hosts is not well defined. Identification—Infestation by head lice (Pediculus capitis) occurs on hair, eyebrows and eyelashes; infestation by body lice (P. The body louse is the species involved in outbreaks of epidemic typhus caused by Rickettsia prowazeki, trench fever caused by R. Mode of transmission—For head and body lice, direct contact with an infested person and objects used by them; for body lice, indirect contact with the personal belongings of infested persons, especially shared clothing and headgear. Lice leave a febrile host; fever and overcrowding increase transfer from person to person. Lindane and benzyl benzoate are no longer recommended or registered because of toxicity, side-effects and low efficacy. Epidemic measures: Mass treatment as recommended in 9B7 above, using insecticides clearly known to be effective against prevalent strains of lice. In typhus epidemics, individuals may protect themselves by wearing silk or plastic clothing tightly fastened around wrists, ankles and neck, and by impregnating their clothes with repellents or permethrin. Disaster implications: Diseases for which body and head lice are vectors are particularly prone to occur at times of social upheaval (see Typhus fever, section I, Epidemic louse-borne). Identification—An acute bacterial infection of the respiratory tract caused by Bordetella pertussis. Paroxysms frequently end with the expulsion of clear, tenacious mucus, often followed by vomiting. The vast majority of deaths occur in infants under 6 months, often in those too young to have completed primary immunization. In recent years, all deaths from pertussis in most industrialized countries occurred in infants under 6 months. In nonimmunized populations, especially those with underlying malnutrition and multiple enteric and respiratory infections, pertussis is among the most lethal diseases of infants and young children. Pneumonia is the most common cause of death; fatal encephalopathy, probably hypoxic, and inanition from repeated vomiting occasionally occur. In several industrialized countries with high rates of infant immunization for many years an increasing proportion of cases has been reported in adolescents and adults, whose symptoms varied from a mild, atypical respiratory illness to the full-blown syndrome. Many such cases occur in previously immunized persons and suggest waning immunity following immunization. Parapertussis is a similar but occasional and milder disease due to Bordetella parapertussis. Diagnosis is based on the recovery of the causal organism from nasopharyngeal specimens obtained during the catarrhal and early paroxysmal stages on appropriate culture media.
Maxillofacial Trauma Maxillofacial trauma is a fairly common occurrence and can affect both the soft and hard tissues (bones and teeth) and often both medications with pseudoephedrine order sustiva 200mg fast delivery. Patients with maxillofacial trauma may present with complaints of facial swelling or distortion medicine to stop contractions order sustiva online, oral bleeding treatment 21 hydroxylase deficiency cheap sustiva on line, salivation medicine stick purchase 600mg sustiva with visa, and abnormal closure of the mouth symptoms ringworm order 200 mg sustiva mastercard, however they often demonstrate minimal to treatment goals and objectives buy cheap sustiva no clinical signs. At all times, practitioners must be cognizant of the possibility of brain edema, and other such non-visible trauma to underlying structures of the head. In addition, the trauma may have created cardiothoracic and/or abdominal injuries. Because these conditions can be life threatening, they should be evaluated for and treated prior to definitive care of the oral cavity. The oral cavity has two advantages when compared to other soft tissues: the presence of saliva and ample vascularization. Saliva provides immunological barriers to infection such as IgA, bacteriostatic enzymes, and a physical cleansing action which flushes out bacteria. These actions assist the healing process, and provide some protection against infection. The high level of vascularization in the oral cavity is helpful with healing, which may allow for decreased debridement. Consideration should be taken to create the most cosmetic result to facilitate healing. Reconstructive surgery may be necessary in order to assist with more aesthetic healing. Soft Tissue Trauma the most common soft tissue injuries to the mouth caused by trauma are: fi Degloving injuries, especially of the lower lip, caused by high speed traumas and vehicular accidents (Figure 1) fi Lip lacerations due to fighting (Figure 2) fi Tongue lacerations/damage due to fighting, car accidents, or electrical shock (Figure 3) fi Gingival lacerations (Figure 4) and periodontal trauma fi Hard palate lesions such as high rise syndrome (Figure 5) fi Soft tissue trauma from caustic agents or electric shock (Figure 6) Reparative surgery should be performed expediently for all oral soft tissue lesions, if the patient is stable (see above). However, due to the high vascularity, moderately damaged tissue can be maintained. One important aspect to be taken into consideration is the preservation of the attached gingiva during soft tissue surgery. Initial examination can be attempted while awake, but a full exam and dental radiographs are only possible under general anaesthetia. Maxillofacial fractures When bones of the face are fractured, basic orthopedic principles must be kept in mind. However, there are three major differences between maxillofacial and long bone fractures. These may occur due to a neoplastic or cystic (Figure 15) cause, but in the clear majority of cases they are secondary to advanced periodontal disease. Therefore, small breed dogs have a very minimal amount of bone apical to the tooth root, putting this area at high risk of fracture when periodontal bone loss occurs. Pathologic fractures (see periodontal disease section) carry a guarded prognosis for several reasons. Dental radiographs are a recommend whenever possible and should be considered a minimum requirement in tier 3 countries. The invasive methods include interfragmentary wiring, (Figure 24) external fixators, and mini-plates. Invasive methods should be only being used in carefully selected cases taking the anatomy and occlusion into account. In addition, invasive methods require a future surgery for removal of the implants is necessary, unless biocompatible plating material is used (eg. Potential drawback with noninvasive fixation is that only the coronal aspect of the jaw is fixated and not as sturdy as invasive methods. A very simple emergency (and in some cases, especially in juvenile animals, also final) treatment is placing a (tape or nylon) muzzle or elastic face mask to provide support to the fractured bones. The tooth may be luxated in the buccal direction, which usually involves fracture of the buccal alveolar wall as well. Tooth intrusion injuries are severe in that they most commonly result in disruption of the neurovascular structures. Where possible, these cases should be referred to a veterinary dentist as soon as possible for replacement and stabilization. However, if this is not feasible due to schedule or the stability of the patient, good results may still be possible despite a short delay. However, these teeth require root canal therapy due to non-vitality secondary to disruption of the blood supply. Mulligan T, Aller S, Williams C (1998) Atlas of Canine and Feline Dental Radiography. Gracis M, Orsini P: (1998) Treatment of traumatic dental displacement in dogs: six cases of lateral luxation. Tumours in the oral cavity are divided into benign or malignant, and whether they are of odontogenic origin or not. The term “epulis” has been misused for decades as the description of a benign oral growth. In actuality an epulis is any abnormal growth arising from the gingiva, which may include malignant tumours. Oral tumours account for approximately 7% of tumours in dogs and about 10% in cats. Benign Tumours Benign tumours range from minor enlargements of the gingiva to locally proliferative lesions that cause tooth movement and/or tooth resorption. Gingival enlargement is an area of gingival overgrowth, but needs to be differentiated histopathologically form other oral masses. This condition is generally caused by gingival hyperplasia, which is an overgrowth of fairly normal gingival tissues. When overgrowth is determined to be genetically induced and other sources have been ruled out, it is best treated by gingivectomy. While marginal excision may suffice for control, excision of the tooth and complete debridement of its periodontium is required to achieve a cure. Odontomas Odontomas are comprised of regular dental tissue that has grown in an irregular manner (hamartomas). Complex odontomas contain structures derived from individual tooth components – enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp. However, it is very common to create large voids during surgery which should be addressed with bone augmentation and fastidious closure. These cysts can even extend rostrally beyond the canine, causing bone resorption around some of the ipsilateral incisors. Occasionally, cysts are palpable as fluctuant enlargements of the gingiva, but most often are identified on dental radiographs. Cysts can generally be diagnosed radiographically, but should be confirmed histopathologically (presence of an epithelial lining associated with the cemento-enamel junction of the retained tooth). Treatment involves excision of the affected tooth / teeth and complete debridement of the cystic epithelial lining. The resultant cavity is allowed to fill with blood and suturing the gingiva closed will enable new bone to develop within the jaw. While the blood clot supplies all necessary products for bone healing, larger defects may benefit from bone augmentation. About 3 months following surgery, new bone will be found to completely fill the original cyst site and lamina dura and periodontal ligament space will be evident around previously bone-denuded teeth roots. These growths often have a fleshy appearance and are most commonly seen around the canine and incisor teeth. These lesions are best treated by excision with at least 5-10 mm margins, depending upon the site of the lesion. These tumours are also quite radiation sensitive, resulting in up to a 90% control rate (Thrall 1984, Theon 1997) However, this modality can have significant negative consequences (eg malignant transformation), so is generally reserved for inoperable cases. While these lesions are usually self-limiting in severe cases the lesions become secondarily infected and can affect appetite. In advanced cases, surgical excision or debulking with histopathology is recommended. Alternative therapeutic modalities include autogenous vaccination and traumatic crushing; these, however, have not been overly successful. The most common is the indolent ulcer variety found on the upper incisor lip and/or philtrum, colloquially called “rodent ulcers”. Linear granulomas can be seen anywhere in the mouth, and are the more aggressive type, possibly resulting in mandibular fracture or oronasal fistulas. Finally, collagenolytic granulomas appear as a firmly swollen, but non-inflamed, lip in the rostral area of the mandible. However, a local accumulation of eosinophils and their release of granule contents is proposed to initiate the inflammatory reaction and secondary necrosis. The accumulations commonly result from local (food) or systemic allergies; although these lesions have been seen in cases where allergic disease has been ruled out. Additional proposed causal agents include response to irritation, genetic predisposition, insect bites (flea and mosquito), and bacterial, fungal, viral, and autoallergen stimuli. Lesions are usually seen on the soft palate just caudal to the hard palate mucosa. Affected animals are often presented due to inappetence and gagging when attempting to swallow. While occasionally classic in appearance, histopathology is always recommended to differentiate these from other oral tumours. The first step in any therapy is to rule out any possible underlying allergic cause. If an allergic cause is discovered, treatment should be directed to removing/treating this issue. Medical therapy for idiopathic cases can include: antibiotics, corticosteroids, and cyclosporine. These lesions are often incidental findings during routine oral examinations, and are usually advanced at the time of diagnosis. Presentation is characterised by pigmented or unpigmented lesions that are initially smooth but later ulcerate. Special histochemical stains are often required to make a positive diagnosis for both forms of this tumour. Therefore, the prognosis is guarded to poor, unless diagnosed and excised prior to metastasis. Additional therapeutic options are radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and a melanoma vaccine. These lesions tend to be ulcero-proliferative and can destroy extensive areas of the jaws, disrupting teeth and occasionally result in mandibular fracture. Animals suffering from acanthomatous ameloblastoma who undergo irradiation therapy are at risk of these lesions converting to squamous cell carcinomas. These lesions usually present as sessile lesions on the palate; smooth and slightly paler than surrounding tissue. Large breed dogs appear to be over represented (especially Golden Retrievers) and they are typically younger (4-5 years) when first diagnosed. Although surgical excision of these tumours is the preferred treatment, regrowth is very common, even when the surgical margins were reported to be “tumour free”. Fibrosarcomas may present as histologically low grade but clinically high grade, where the oral lesion is rapidly enlarging but it appears more benign microscopically. Different treatment modalities, including surgical excision with or without radiation therapy, radiation therapy alone, and radiation with or without localized hyperthermia, prolonged the survival times in some dogs. The lesions can extend to the muco-cutaneal junction and in some cases the lesions have a blueish tinge due to extravascular pooling of blood. Lesions may cause bony destruction or bone proliferation, while some may appear to be cyst-like radiogaphically. Like axial osteosarcomas, these tend to metastasis late during disease and therefore may have a better prognosis for cure. Excision with 3 cm margins is recommended and therefore any reconstruction must be well planned prior to the surgery. Mast cell tumour can also be found on the tongue of cats and in some cases the margin of the tongue may be affected, resembling plaque-responsive marginal glossitis. Genital and extragenital canine transmissible venereal tumour in dogs in Grenada, West Indies Open J Vet Med, 3, pp. Seguin (2012) Surgical treatment of Tongue Lip and Cheek Tumors In: Oral and maxillofacial surgery in dogs and cats. Retrospective study of 338 canine oral melanomas with clinical, histologic, and immunohistochemical review of 129 cases. Histologically low-grade, yet biologically high-grade fibrosarcomas of the mandible and maxilla in dogs: 25 cases (1982–1991). Malocclusions A malocclusion is any occlusion which is not standard for the breed. In cases of occlusal trauma there is significant pain and discomfort for the patient and if left untreated can result in significant complications such as oronasal fistulation, tooth wear and subsequent fracture and/or tooth death. Conversely, tooth (non-skeletal) discrepancies (class I) are considered nongenetic, with the notable exception of mesiocclusion of the maxillary canines (lance effect) seen in Shetland sheepdogs and Persian cats, which is considered genetic. These conditions are generally considered nongenetic, however, there is a high prevalence of some syndromes in certain breeds (see above) which indicates a genetic predisposition in some cases. Class I malocclusions can result from lip/cheek/tongue pressure (or lack thereof), significant systemic or endocrine issues, and less commonly neoplastic or cystic formation may also result in tooth deviation. Displacement in some situations was previously believed to result from persistence of the deciduous teeth. However, research shows that deciduous tooth persistence is caused by improper eruption of the permanent teeth.
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Butterworths, London report of human myiasis in Goia S state, Brazil: About the Authors Dr. Alwar memorial award (2004), the Parasitic Diseases, Journal of Laboratory PhyFlemish Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad—Unisicians (New Delhi), and Pakistan J. Rao Gold Medal (1998) for research pubresearch publications in the field of Food Borne lications in journals. D ifficile coloniz ation, • O nce coloniz ed, severalfactors (m ainly host’s im m une system) determ ine whethera personbecom e sym ptom atic, Clostridium D ifficile • Produce three tox ins, – Tox inA – Tox inB (10 0 0 x cytotox ic) – Binary tox in(role inhum andisease unknown) • T ox inA and B, – I nduce fluid secretion, – I nduce apoptosis of intestinalepithelialcells – I nduce a m arked inflam m ation Riskfactors for C. D ifficile associated D iarrhea • I ncreasing age, • S evere underlying disease, • N on-surgicalgastrointestinalprocedures, • Presence of a nasogastric tube, • Receiving anti-ulcerm edication, • S tay onintensive care unit, • M ultiple antibiotic use, • Long hospitalstay, S ym ptom s • D iarrhea (m ostly watery, rarely bloody) • F ever • Cram py abdom inalpain D iagnosis • Cytotox icity assay (gold standard) – requires 4 8 hours – 10 0 10 0 0 x sensitive thanE I A indetecting tox inB • E nz ym e I m m unoassay – D etect • Tox inA and B • Tox inA alone – S ensitivity 8 0 % perstool, 3 ex am inationrequired • E ndoscopy – Pseudom em branes (typical) – E rythem a, edem a, friability, and nonspecific colitis with sm all ulcerations (non-specific) T reatm ent • I ndications forantibiotic treatm ent; – E vidence of colitis (leukocytosis,endoscopic findings etc. D ifficile infection, • the m ajority contracted infectionas anoutpatient(7 6 %), I ssaM etal. D iagnosis • Culture – S tool(rem ains positive forweeks afteracute infection) – Throat, lym ph nodes, blood, jointfluid, etc. E scherichia Coli • G ram negative rod, is a portionof norm alenteric flora, • T here are 3 differentcategories of pathogenic E. Coli – Causes infectionsim ilarto S higellosis, – T here is directinvasionof the distalilealand colonic m ucosa – O ccurs prim arily intropics, rarely inwestern countries • E nteroaggregative E. S • I nfections occurthrough contam inated food orwater, • O rganism invades the epithelium of the ileum and colon, • S ym ptom s; – N ausea – Vom iting – F ever – W atery orbloody diarrhea • I llness is self lim ited and resolves usually in2 to 5 days S higella I nfection • Caused by gram negative bacilli • the second m ostreportable cause of infectious diarrhea inthe U. The text was initially written in the early 20th century, as a pamphlet for New England health officials, by Dr. In 1917, it was published in Public Health Reports (32:41:1706–1733), by the United States Public Health Service. It covers over 140 diseases and groups of diseases of importance to communicable disease hunters and researchers. Heymann and his team at the World Health Organization have assembled an impressive group of experts from around the world to serve as reviewers, authors, and editors. They have completed the transformation of this text into a resource responsive to the needs of the global health xviii community. The microbial agents that cause them are dynamic, resilient, and well adapted to exploit opportunities for change and spread. For many important diseases, control is problematic either because of the lack of effective vaccines and therapeutic drugs, or because existing drugs are being rendered ineffective as antimicrobial resistance spreads. Communicable diseases kill more than 14 million people each year, mainly in the developing world. The huge number of permanently disabled persons reduces the work force and further undermines the financial security of already impoverished families and communities, who already take on the onus of care and economic support. This situation is likely to be repeated when the next new disease emerges, when the next inevitable infiuenza pandemic occurs, or following the deliberate release of a pathogen with deliberate intent to harm. Lack of access to effective vaccines and drugs has been a long-standing problem in the developing world. The concern of international xxi community is also evident in time-limited drives to eradicate or eliminate polio, leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis and other diseases that maim. It was with great sadness, in mid-January of this year, just as the editorial review was completed, that we learned of the death of one of our long time colleagues and fellow editorial board member, Dr Robert E. Identification presents the main clinical features of the disease and differentiates it from others that may have a similar clinical picture. Also noted are those laboratory tests most commonly used to identify or confirm the etiological agent. Mode of transmission describes the mechanisms by which the infectious agent is spread to humans. Incubation period is the time interval between initial contact with the infectious organism and the first appearance of symptoms associated with the infection. Susceptibility (including immunity) provides information on human or animal populations at risk of infection, or that are resistant to either infection or disease. Control of patient, contacts and the immediate environment: measures designed to prevent further spread of the disease from infected persons, and specific best current treatment to minimize the period of communicability and to reduce morbidity and mortality. Epidemic measures: describes those procedures of an emergency character designed to limit the spread of a communicable disease that has developed widely in a group or community, or within an area, state or nation. Disaster implications: given a disaster, indicates the likelihood that the disease might constitute a major problem if preventive actions are not initiated. Some diseases did not undergo major updating for the 18th edition and show no primary reviewer. Case reports: Case reporting provides diagnosis, age, sex and date of onset for each person with the disease. The specific disease may not be included in the list of diseases officially reportable, or it may be of unknown etiology if it is newly recognized or emerging. In general, outbreak reporting is required by the most rapid means of communication available. The key proposals in the revision are to: fi Require the establishment of defined core capacities in surveillance and response to public health emergencies. Class 2: Case report regularly required wherever the disease occurs Diseases of relative urgency require reporting either because identification of contacts is required or because the source of infection must be known in order to begin control measures. Class 3: Selectively reportable in recognized endemic areas Many national health authorities do not require case reporting of diseases of this class. Examples of diseases in this class are scrub typhus, schistosomiasis and fasciolopsiasis. Class 4: Obligatory report of outbreaks only—no case report required Many countries require reporting of outbreaks to health authorities by the most rapid means. Information required includes number of cases, date of onset, population at risk and apparent mode of spread. An outbreak can be demonstrated on a graph of incidence over time and by a map of geographical extension. For endemic diseases, an outbreak is said to have begun when incidence rises above the normally expected level. Identify affected persons and their characteristics Record case histories Information about each confirmed or suspected case must be recorded to obtain a complete understanding of the outbreak. Identify additional cases Initial notification of an outbreak may come from a clinic or hospital; enquiries in health centres, dispensaries and villages in the area may reveal other cases, sometimes with a range of additional symptoms. These calculations may lead to new hypotheses requiring further investigation and development of study designs. Microbiological typing and susceptibility to antibiotics can then be used to develop appropriate control measures. Formulate a hypothesis as to source and spread of the outbreak Determine why the outbreak occurred when it did and what set the stage for its occurrence. Whenever possible the relevant conditions before the outbreak should be determined. Manage cases Health workers, including clinicians, must assume responsibility for treatment of diagnosed cases. In outbreaks of meningitis, plague or cholera, emergency accommodation may have to be found and additional staff may require rapid essential training. Outbreaks of diseases such as sleeping sickness and cholera may require special treatment and recourse to drugs not normally available. Implement control measures to prevent spread After the epidemiological characteristics of the outbreak have been better understood, it is possible to implement control measures to prevent further spread of the infectious agent. However, from the very beginning xxx of the investigation the investigative team must attempt to limit the spread and the occurrence of new cases. Immediate isolation of affected persons can prevent spread, and measures to prevent movement in or out of the affected area may be considered. Whatever the urgency of the control measures they must also be explained to the community at risk. If supplies of vaccine or drugs are limited, it may be necessary to identify the groups at highest risk initial for control measures. Once these urgent measures have been put in place, it is necessary to initiate more permanent ones such as health education, improved water supply, vector control or improved food hygiene. It may be necessary to develop and implement long-term plans for continued vaccination after an initial campaign. After the outbreak has initially been controlled, continued community surveillance may be needed in order to identify additional cases and to complete containment. Prepare a report A report should be prepared at intervals during containment if possible, and after the outbreak has been fully contained. Such verification requires more laboratory facilities than are available in the field, and is often not completed until long after the outbreak has been contained. The public health response included identifying all those at risk of infection through the postal system, and prescribing antibiotics to over 32 000 persons identified as potentially in contact with envelopes contaminated with anthrax spores. The event and associated hoaxes caused unprecedented demands on public health laboratory services, and several nations had to recruit private laboratories to deal with the overfiow. If the agent is widely dispersed and/or easily transmissible, a surge capacity may be required to accommodate large numbers of patients, and systems must be available for the rapid mobilization and distribution of medicines or vaccines according to the agent released. According to national intelligence and defence services, there is evidence that national and international networks have engineered biological agents for use as weapons, in some instances with suggestions of attempts to increase pathogenicity and to develop delivery mechanisms for their deliberate use. Infection of humans may be a one-time occurrence, or may be repeated over a period of time after the initial occurrence. The agent used will determine whether there is a risk of person-to-person transmission after the initial and subsequent attacks; information on this risk is covered in more detail under specific disease agents. Incubation period, period of communicability and susceptibility are agent-specific. This has led some analysts to regard a strong public health infrastructure, with rapid and effective detection and response mechanisms for naturally occurring infectious diseases of outbreak potential, as the only reasonable means of responding to the threat of deliberately caused outbreaks of infectious disease. Adequate background information on the natural behaviour of infectious diseases will facilitate recognition of an unusual event and help determine whether suspicions of a deliberate use should be investigated. Preparedness should draw on existing plans for responding to large-scale natural disasters, such as earthquakes or industrial or transportation accidents, in which health care facilities are required to deal with a surge of casualties and emergency admissions. Most health workers will have little or no experience in managing illness arising from several of the potential infectious agents; training in clinical recognition and initial management may therefore be needed for first xxxiii responders. One of the most difficult issues for the public health system is to decide whether preparedness should include stockpiling of drugs, vaccines and equipment. Outbreaks of international importance, whether naturally occurring or thought to have been deliberately caused, should be reported electronically by national governments to outbreak@who. A single test is recommended in populations with a prevalence rate above 10%; lower prevalence levels require a minimum of 2 different tests for reliability. Selection of tests depends on factors such as accuracy and local operational characteristics. Rapid testing techniques on blood or oral mucosal transudate facilitate delivery of testing and counselling services. The window period between the earliest possible detection of virus and seroconversion is short (less than 2 weeks). Viral load tests are now available and serve as an additional marker of disease progression and response to treatment. China and India, more recently infected, remain of major concern epidemiologically. It cannot be sufficiently stressed that carriers are usually asymptomatic; they—and their potential partners—are therefore unaware of their potential infection status. The risk of transmission from oral sex is not easily quantifiable, but is presumed to be low. The major interaction identified so far is with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. The specific needs of minorities, persons with different primary languages and those with visual, hearing or other impairments must also be addressed. Programs that instruct needle users in decontamination methods and needle exchange have been shown to be effective. Organizations that collect plasma, blood or other body fiuids or organs should inform potential donors of this recommendation and test all donors. Where nominal reporting is not the rule, care must be taken to protect patient confidentiality. Patients and their sexual partners should not donate blood, plasma, organs for transplantation, tissues, cells, semen for artificial insemination or breastmilk for human milk banks. Notification by the health care provider is justified only when the patient, after due counselling, still refuses to notify his/her partner(s), and when health care providers are sure that notification will not entail harm to the index case. Once the decision to initiate antiretroviral treatment has been made, treatment should be aggressive with the goal of maximal viral suppression. Special considerations apply to adolescents and pregnant women, with specific treatment regimens for these patients. Health care organizations should have protocols that promote and facilitate prompt access to postexposure care and reporting of exposures. Disaster implications: Emergency personnel should follow the same universal precautions as health workers. All species are Gram-positive, non acid-fast, anaerobic to microaerophilic higher bacteria that may be part of normal oral fiora.
For many years the oocysts of these species were mistakenly assigned to medications osteoporosis cheap sustiva 600mg free shipping the genus Isospora and referred to medications not to be taken with grapefruit discount 600mg sustiva amex as Isospora hominis treatment zollinger ellison syndrome cheapest generic sustiva uk. A third species appears to medicine 8 iron stylings purchase sustiva overnight have been found in the intestines of five immunodeficient patients in Egypt (el Naga et al medicine number lookup cheap sustiva 600mg visa. Although these coccidia are related to treatment interstitial cystitis purchase 600 mg sustiva fast delivery Isospora, Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora,andToxoplasma, they require both an intermediate and a definitive host. The infected striated muscle contains mature, whitish-colored cysts (sarcocysts), which are usually oval and range in size from microscopic to clearly visible by direct observation. The sarcocyst has a wall around it with internal septa that divide the cyst into compartments filled with hundreds or thousands of slowly dividing fusiform parasites, called bradyzoites. Once the cyst is ingested, the bradyzoites are released into the intestine and invade the cells of the lamina propia, where they are immediately transformed by gametogony into sexuated parasites, which in turn fuse and form oocysts by sporogony. The oocysts mature in the intestine, destroy the host cell, and then exit the body in the feces. When they are eliminated they already contain two sporocysts, each with four sporozoites. The intermediate host acquires the infection upon consuming oocysts or mature sporocysts. The sporozoites are released into the intestine, penetrate the intestinal mucosa, invade the bloodstream, and multiply asexually by merogony in the endothelial cells of the small blood vessels for one or two generations. These forms, called tachyzoites, do not form cysts; instead, they multiply rapidly, invade the fibers of striated muscle, form the sarcocyst wall, and multiply asexually by merogony for several generations into intermediate forms known as merozoites, the forms that generate the infective bradyzoites (Rommel, 1989). Geographic Distribution: Human intestinal sarcocystosis appears to occur worldwide. Muscular sarcocystosis has been reported only in Egypt, India, Malaysia, and Thailand. About 30 cases of human muscular sarcocystosis have been reported, most of them in Malaysia, where the prevalence of sarcocystosis in general was 21% in routine autopsies (Wong and Pathmanathan, 1992). Occurrence in Animals: the prevalence of muscular infection caused by Sarcocystis spp. Since it is difficult to differentiate species in the intermediate host, it is not known what percentage of prevalence corresponds to the parasites that are infective for man. The World Health Organization (1981) estimates that nearly half the muscular cysts in cattle and swine correspond to S. Experimentally infected volunteers experienced nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea 3 to 6 hours after eating raw or undercooked beef containing S. Abdominal pain and diarrhea recurred 14 to 18 days after ingestion of the beef, coinciding with the maximum elimination of sporocysts in feces. Clinical symptoms were more pronounced after the subjects ate pork containing cysts of S. Symptomatic infection is generally observed when the meat consumed contains a large number of merozoites. In Thailand, several cases of sarcocystosis involved acute intestinal obstruction, requiring resection of the affected segment of the small intestine. Histopathological examination of the resected segments revealed eosinophilic or necrotizing enteritis. It is possible that a bacterial superinfection also may have been involved in the necrotizing enteritis (Bunyaratvej et al. Human muscular sarcocystosis is usually discovered fortuitously during examination of muscle tissue for other reasons. Although the infection is nearly always asymptomatic, in some cases muscular weakness, muscular pain, myositis, periarteritis, and subcutaneous tumefaction have been observed. However, in none of these cases was there conclusive proof that the muscular cysts were the definite cause of the clinical symptoms. The Disease in Animals: There are several species of sarcocysts in nonhuman mammals, which can occasionally cause intestinal or systemic disease. Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission: the source of infection for human intestinal sarcocystosis is beef or pork containing mature sarcocysts. Only the bradyzoites, which appear about two and a half months after infection of the intermediate host, are infective for the definitive host. The mode of transmission is through the ingestion of raw or undercooked infected meat. The mode of transmission is through contamination of pastures or feedlots with feces and the eventual ingestion thereof by cattle or swine. The sarcocysts have strict host specificity, so it is clear that other vertebrate species are not directly involved in transmission. Some authors have suggested that the reports of human cases of sarcosporidia are based on erroneous diagnoses. Taking into account the morphology of the sarcocysts, Beaver (1979) and Kan and Pathmanathan (1991) have suggested that man might be an aberrant host of sarcocysts that normally infect the musculature of monkeys. The relative frequency of the infection in areas where there are large numbers of monkeys gives some credence to this hypothesis. Diagnosis: Human intestinal sarcocystosis can be diagnosed by confirming the presence of oocysts or mature sporocysts in feces starting on day 9 or 10 following the ingestion of infected meat. Muscular cysts in cattle and swine are found along the length of the muscle fiber and are whitish in color, often microscopic in size, and have the shape of a long cylinder. The cyst wall forms internal septa that separate the bradyzoites into banana-shaped compartments measuring 6 to 20 µm by 4 to 9 µm (Gorman, 1984). The cysts are found most often in the cardiac muscle, esophagus, and diaphragm of adult cattle and swine. They can be observed by trichinoscopy and, more effectively, by microscopy following tryptic digestion of the infected meat. The sarcocysts are similar to those in man, but they can sometimes be as long as 5 cm and are visible to the naked eye. Control: Cattle or swine should be prevented from ingesting infected human feces, and humans should avoid eating raw or undercooked meat. In the first case, measures should be taken to properly dispose of human waste in rural settings where there are large numbers of cattle and swine. Except in areas where there are high rates of human infection, it is probably not necessary to treat infected individuals in order to reduce contamination of the environment. The population should be educated about the risk of infection when raw meat is consumed, and veterinary inspection of slaughterhouses should be improved. In addition, it can, and usually does, take advantage of an intermediate host, which may be any of some 200 species of vertebrates. When the parasites are ingested by a cat (see Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission), they invade the feline’s intestinal cells and multiply asexually by merogony for several generations. They then multiply sexually by gametogony and produce immature oocysts that cause the host cells to rupture, after which they are eventually evacuated in the feces. The cat sheds the oocytes for a period of 1 or 2 weeks, and then the cat develops immunity. Outside the host, the oocysts mature in 1 to 5 days, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment, at which point they form sporulated oocysts (11 µm by 13 µm), each containing two sporozoites (6 µm by 8 µm) without a Stieda body and each of the latter containing four more sporozoites (2 µm by 6–8 µm) inside it (Dubey and Beattie, 1988). In the intermediate host, which can include man and the cat, parasites are released in the small intestine and invade the epithelial cells, where they multiply until they rupture the cells. They are then disseminated by the lymphatic system or the bloodstream, either as free forms or inside macrophages or leukocytes. Although most of the parasites are captured by the lymph nodes, they can also be found inside macrophages or monocytes, and in some cases they bypass the lymph nodes and spread throughout the rest of the organism. They are very active, and their cycles of invasion, multiplication, and cell rupture continue for one to two weeks, until the host develops a degree of immunity. The bradyzoites accumulate in the cytoplasm of the parasitized cells and encase themselves in a membrane, forming a cyst. These forms can parasitize any nucleated cell, but tachyzoites show a preference for macrophages and monocytes, while bradyzoites are seen more often in muscle and nerve tissue. Occurrence in Man: the infection is very common, but the clinical disease is relatively rare. Most of those with bradyzoite cysts, given that they often persist for the life of the host, have a latent infection. The prevalence rate is usually higher in warm, humid climates than in cold, dry ones, and it is also higher at lower elevations and in older persons. The seropositivity rate in human populations, for whom the cause of infection is mainly the consumption of infected meat (see Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission), is low in children up to 5 years of age, but then it begins to increase and reaches its highest levels in the population 20 to 50 years old. In areas where the main cause of infection is the ingestion of contaminated soil, the infection rate is also high in children because of their inclination to get dirt on their hands. However, occasionally there are small epidemics attributed to the consumption of infected meat (Choi et al. The epidemic reported by Mullens (1996) affected more than 110 persons and it may be the largest one on record. In 1979, an outbreak of acute toxoplasmosis affected 39 of 98 soldiers in a company that had been practicing maneuvers in the jungles of Panama. The source of infection was deemed to be the consumption of water from a stream that may have been contaminated with the feces of wild felines (Benenson et al. The congenital infection is particularly important because of the severity of the sequelae in both the fetus and the newborn. Twenty-three percent of those who were infected gave birth to infected babies: 13% of the fetuses became infected during the first trimester, 29% in the second trimester, and 50% in the third. It is estimated that the rate of congenital infection is about 10 newborns for every 10,000 deliveries. In a region of Colombia, the rate of congenital infection has been estimated at between 30 and 120 for every 8,000 pregnancies (GomezMarin et al. Toxoplasmosis is more severe in immunodeficient individuals, whose condition appears to facilitate the infection. Occurrence in Animals: the infection has been confirmed in some 200 species of vertebrates, including primates, ruminants, swine, equines, carnivores, rodents, marsupials, insectivores, and numerous avian species. In Cordoba, Argentina, when 23 specimens of wild cats (Oncifelis geoffroyi, Felis colocolo, or Felis eira) were studied using both serologic and parasitologic tests, oocysts were found in 37% of the animals and positive serologic reactions in 59% (Pizzi et al. Among domestic animals, high reactor rates have been found in cats, sheep, goats, and swine; lower levels in horses and dogs; and low levels in cattle. For example, studies conducted in Costa Rica using either serologic tests or isolation of the parasite showed that 60 of 237 cats (25. In 55 of the animals (23%) the parasite was identified by isolation from feces and inoculation in mice, and 82% of the isolations corresponded to cats under 6 months of age. It is of interest to point out that 60% of the cats found to have oocysts in their feces were negative in the serologic tests, which indicates that they were suffering from a primary infection (Ruiz and Frenkel, 1980). Confirmation of the parasite’s presence in the meat of food animals is of special interest for public health, since undercooked meat is one of the principal sources of infection for man. In Europe, parasitism rates in excess of 50% have been found in the meat of sheep and swine slaughtered in abattoirs. Cattle, on the other hand, are more resistant to the infection: they have low, brief serologic titers, and parasites are isolated from them only rarely (Dubey and Streitel, 1976). The cases occur sporadically, with the following exceptions: in sheep and goats the congenital infection is common, and in swine there have been infrequent epizootic outbreaks in several parts of the world. The greatest damage caused by toxoplasmosis in sheep and goats, and sometimes swine, is abortion and the birth of infected offspring, in which perinatal fatality can be as high as 50%. The Disease in Man: Toxoplasmosis acquired postnatally is usually a mild disease. Most of the infections are inapparent, and of the symptomatic infections, about 90% produce mild fever, persistent lymphadenopathy in one or more lymph nodes, and asthenia. About 4% of symptomatic patients have neurological manifestations ranging from cephalalgia, lethargy, and facial paralysis to hemiplegia, severe reflex alterations, and coma. A small proportion of symptomatic patients may exhibit muscular signs with myositis and weakness. There are also reports of myocarditis and pneumonitis caused by Toxoplasma,but such cases do not appear to be common. Unlike the foregoing manifestations of acute toxoplasmosis, an ocular form with subsequent uveitis may be seen in adolescents, either as a reactivation of congenital toxoplasmosis or as a delayed manifestation of postnatally acquired toxoplasmosis. Although congenital toxoplasmosis is not very frequent, it can cause severe disease and sequelae. Fetal infection occurs only when the pregnant mother acquires an acute or primary infection, either symptomatic or not, that generates parasitemia and permits transplacental transmission. Since the infection confers lifelong immunity, intrauterine transmission of the parasite does not occur in subsequent pregnancies except when the mother is severely immunocompromised. Early transmission causes few cases of fetal infection, but the risk of severe fetal illnesses is great. Only about 13% of children with toxoplasmosis acquired the infection during the first trimester in utero (Jenum et al. Of the approximately 29% who become infected in the second trimester, 30% will have serious disease. Of the 50% who become infected in the third trimester, 70% to 90% are born with an inapparent infection, but they may develop ocular or neurological sequelae after several weeks or months. Early infection can cause preor postnatal death or severe damage to the fetus. Later infection can cause generalized disease in utero, subsequent invasion of the nervous system, and the birth of children with sequelae such as hydrocephaly, chorioretinitis, or cerebral calcifications. Even later infection may result in the birth of a child already in the active stage of chorioretinitis or encephalitis.
Plummer–Vincent Confrmed by: barium swallow shows a thin medicine 0027 v discount sustiva 600 mg line, or Paterson–Kelly horizontal shelf; endoscopy to medicine 20 generic sustiva 200mg with visa exclude malignancy treatment goals and objectives purchase generic sustiva canada. Viral Suggested by: sore throat symptoms breast cancer order sustiva once a day, pain on swallowing medicine prescription buy sustiva online now, fever treatment 4 water order sustiva 600 mg fast delivery, cervical pharyngitis lymphadenopathy and injected fauces. Acute follicular Suggested by: severe sore throat, pain on swallowing, fever, tonsillitis enlarged tonsils with white patches (like strawberries and (streptococcal) cream). Infectious Suggested by: very severe throat pain with enlarged mononucleosis tonsils covered with grey mucoid flm. Candidiasis Suggested by: painful dysphagia, white plaque, history of of buccal or immunosuppression/diabetes/recent antibiotics. Pseudobulbar Suggested by: nasal, ‘Donald Duck’-like speech, small palsy due to spastic tongue. Scleroderma Suggested by: refux symptoms: cough and inhalation of fuids, tight skin, hooked nose, mouth rugae. Confrmed by: barium swallow—diminished or absent peristalsis, oesophageal manometry—subnormal or absent lower oesophageal sphincter tone. Bulbar palsy Suggested by: nasal, quiet, or hoarse speech; faccid, fasciculating tongue. Confrmed by: clinical features of motor neurone disease/Guillain–Barre syndrome/brainstem tumour/ syringobulbia/pontine demyelination. Myasthenia gravis Suggested by: difcult start to swallowing movement, cough (inhalation) precipitated by swallowing, ptosis. Motor neurone Suggested by: combination of upper and lower motor disease neurone signs. Achalasia Suggested by: dysphagia with almost every meal, (progressive) regurgitation (postural and efortless, contains undigested food). Confrmed by: barium swallow, oesophageal manometry, oesophagoscopy demonstrate absence of progressive peristalsis. Also Parkinson’s disease (oropharyngeal dysphagia), cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc. More information such as the site of tenderness will become available from examining the abdomen. Acute Suggested by: pain radiating straight through to the back, pancreatitis better on sitting up or leaning forward. Gastric Suggested by: marked anorexia, fullness, pain, troisier’s carcinoma sign (a ‘Virchow’s’ node, i. Gastritis Suggested by: epigastric pain, dull or burning discomfort, nocturnal pain. Hiatus hernia Suggested by: heartburn, worsens with stooping or lying, relieved by antacids. Also Pericarditis, pneumonia, empyema, herpes zoster, ruptured oesophagus (Boerhaave syndrome, preceded by forceful vomiting), subphrenic abscess, splenic infarction, early appendicitis, acute mesenteric lymphadenitis, acute intestinal obstruction, etc. Abdominal Suggested by: tearing pain, hypertension, (hypotension and aortic shock indicate grave prognosis). Confrmed by: colonoscopy with biopsy, barium studies showing ‘skip lesions’, string sign in advanced cases. Pyelonephritis Suggested by: pain in loin (upper lateral), rigors, fever, vomiting, frequency of micturition, renal angle tenderness. Renal calculus Suggested by: renal colic, mainly in loin (upper lateral), haematuria. Salpingitis Suggested by: fever, nausea, vomiting, mucopurulent cervical discharge, irregular menses. Also Ruptured ovarian cyst or torsion, endometriosis, Meckel’s diverticulitis, colonic diverticulitis, etc. Pelvic Suggested by: dysmenorrhoea, ovulation pain, dyspareunia, endometinfertility, pelvic mass. Ectopic Suggested by: constant unilateral pain ± referred shoulder pain, pregnancy amenorrhoea, vaginal bleeding (usually less than normal period), faintness with an acute rupture. Large bowel Suggested by: severe distension, late vomiting, visible peristalsis, obstruction resonant percussion, increased bowel sounds. Gastroenteritis Suggested by: crampy pain, low grade fever, diarrhoea, (all ages) vomiting, symptoms resolve in 2wk. Infantile colic Suggested by: prolonged crying lasting >3h occurs during late (commonly afternoon and early evening >3d per week. Mesenteric Suggested by: symptoms and signs similar to early appendicitis, adenitis but without guarding or rectal tenderness. Also Diabetic ketoacidosis, infections—mumps, epstein–Barr mononucleosis, pneumonia (especially right lower lobe), torsion of testes, Henoch–Schonlein purpura, sickle crisis, Meckel’s diverticulitis. However, organic disease is more likely if the pain is associated with vomiting, weight loss or failure to thrive, and may wake the child from sleep. Recurrent viral Suggested by: recurrent fever, malaise, diarrhoea and vomiting, illness blocked nose, etc. Psychosomatic Suggested by: social withdrawal, irritability, poor attention, cause. Constipation Suggested by: infrequent and/or painful bowel movements, hard stools. Also Parasitic infestation of bowel, lactose intolerance, Hirschsprung’s disease, ureteric refux, lead poisoning, pica, etc. Viral Suggested by: diarrhoea in older children and adults, gastroenteritis symptoms resolve in 2wk. Clostridium Suggested by: eating ‘doubtful’ meat, incubation period perfringens 8–fi6h, abdominal cramps, little vomiting, lasting fi–2d. Vibrio para Suggested by: ‘doubtful’ seafood, incubation period haemolyticus fi6–72h. Botulism Suggested by: eating ‘doubtful’ canned food, incubation period fi8–36h (may vary from 4h to 8d), abdominal cramps, dry mouth, diplopia, progressive paralysis. Confrmed by: colonoscopy with biopsy, barium studies showing ‘skip lesions’, string sign (in advanced cases). Ulcerative Suggested by: lower abdominal cramps, iurgency to defaecate, colitis severe diarrhoea, ifever in acute attack. Enteroinvasive Suggested by: fever, watery diarrhea, later ± bloody Escherichia (E. Entamoeba Suggested by: abdominal discomfort, fatulence, frequent histolytica watery, bloody diarrhoea. Traveller’s Suggested by: recent travel, no obvious ingestion of diarrhoea contaminated water or food. Vibrio cholera Suggested by: incubation period from a few hours to 5d, profuse watery diarrhoea, fever, vomiting. Norwalk virus Suggested by: diarrhoea in older children and adults and symptoms resolve in 2wk. Irritable Suggested by: no weight loss, intermittent daytime diarrhoea, bowel pain relieved by defaecation, abdominal distension, mucus but syndrome no blood in the stool. Confrmed by: normal colonoscopy and barium studies, and no appearance of other cause of symptoms. Faecal Suggested by: elderly patient and hard faeces on rectal impaction examination. Malabsorption Suggested by: pale, bulky ofensive stools, weight loss, signs of due to coeliac nutritional defciencies. Thyrotoxicosis Suggested by: heat intolerance, tremor, nervousness, palpitation, frequent bowel movements, goitre. Codeine phosphate for diarrhoea, H2 agonist or theophylline for asthma; octreotide; surgical. Lactose Suggested by: bloatedness, colicky abdominal pain, diarrhoea intolerance after digestion of lactose-containing food. Confrmed by: stool analysis shows presence of reducing substances in the liquid portion of stool, and pH of stool <5. Cow’s milk Suggested by: crampy abdominal pain, diarrhoea after protein ingestion of cow’s milk formula, onset of symptoms may be intolerance delayed. Chronic Suggested by: abdominal discomfort, fatulence, frequent infection of watery ±bloody diarrhoea. Confrmed by: sweat test: Chloride >60mmol/L and genetic testing: (fi mutation = mild disease, 2 mutations = severe), response to pancreatic enzyme replacement. It is important to establish what the patient means by the term ‘constipation’, what his or her normal bowel habit is, and how the presenting problem difer from ‘normal’. Drug-induced Suggested by: constipating drugs (opioids, hypotensive agents, aluminium alkalis, etc. Confrmed by: normal sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy and response to withdrawal of suspected agent. Confrmed by: normal sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy and response to increased fuid intake. Hypothyroidism Suggested by: cold intolerance, lethargy, weight gain, coarse and dry skin, pufy eyelids. Rectal tumour Suggested by: rectal bleeding with defaecation, blood limited to surface of stool. Colonic Suggested by: alternate diarrhoea and constipation, carcinoma anaemia or weight loss. Also Hypercalcaemia, behavioural—‘stool-holding’ in children, external pelvic mass compression, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Hirschsprung disease, Chagas disease, scleroderma, Parkinson’s disease, dyssynergistic defaecation, etc. Colonic carcinoma Suggested by: alternate diarrhoea and constipation, anaemia or weight loss. Confrmed by: normal sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy and response to stopping causal agent. Depression Suggested by: sleep disorders, social withdrawal, lack of interest in usual activities, etc. Confrmed by: normal sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, and response to lifting of depression. Cerebral or spinal Suggested by: neurological symptoms and signs ± cord lesion abnormal sphincter tone and anal sensation. Metabolic Suggested by: symptoms of metabolic disturbance or disturbances: absence of anatomical abnormality. Confrmed by: appearance of erosion on oesophagogastroscopy and pH study showing hyperacidity. Oesophageal Suggested by: liver cirrhosis, splenomegaly, prominent upper varices abdominal veins. Confrmed by: oesophagogastroscopy showing varicose mucosa and blood distally and in stomach. Oesophageal Suggested by: progressive dysphagia with solids that stick, weight loss. GastroSuggested by: heartburn worse when lying fat, anorexia, nausea ± oesophageal regurgitation of gastric content. Meckel’s Suggested by: no haematemesis, usually asymptomatic, anaemia, diverticulum rectal bleeding. Confrmed by: technetium-labelled red blood cell scan showing isotopes in gut lumen and laparotomy. Also Angiodysplasia, bleeding disorders, vascular ectasia, arteriovenous malformations, Dieulafoy’s lesion, hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler–Weber–Rendu), gallstone erosion, gastrinoma (zollinger–ellison syndrome), foreign bodies, etc. Bleeding Suggested by: pain, discharge, pruritus, staining of toilet paper haemorrhoids following defaecation. Anal fssure Suggested by: skin tag, pain on defaecation, staining of toilet paper following defaecation, exquisite anal tenderness. Carcinoma Suggested by: rectal bleeding with defaecation, unsatisfactory rectum defaecation. Colonic Suggested by: red blood mixed with stool and alternate carcinoma diarrhoea and constipation. Ulcerative Suggested by: lower abdominal pain, urgency to defaecate, colitis severe bloody diarrhoea, fever in acute attack. Confrmed by: colonoscopy with biopsy, barium studies show loss of haustration, mucosal oedema, ulceration. Confrmed by: colonoscopy with biopsy, barium studies show ‘skip lesions’, string sign in advanced cases. Confrmed by: barium enema ± reduction of intussusception with appropriate hydrostatic pressure. Also Ischaemic colitis, infectious colitis, angiodysplasia (lower bowel), stercoral ulcers, congenital polyps and hamartomas, etc. Rectal Suggested by: rectal bleeding with defaecation, blood limited tumour to surface of stool. Anal fssure Suggested by: skin tag, pain on defaecation, staining of toilet paper following defaecation. Haemorrhoids Suggested by: rectal bleeding following defaecation, perianal (thrombosed protrusion with pain. Perianal Suggested by: severe constant throbbing pain, fever, tender abscess lump, redness. Proctalgia Suggested by: feeting pain in rectum or coccyx which may be fugax, related to sitting but not defaecation, pain wakes patient at night. Prostatitis Suggested by: rigor, fever, urinary frequency and urgency, (referred pain) dysuria, haemospermia. Also Anal herpes, pilonidal sinus and abscess, caudal equine lesion, anal or rectal malignancy, trauma, referred pain from uterine disease, or pelvic infammatory disease, faecal impaction, perianal fstula, levator ani syndrome, retained foreign body, etc. Fat (obese) Suggested by: usually sunken umbilicus, dullness to percussion throughout. Small bowel Suggested by: mild distension, early vomiting, central/upper obstruction abdominal pain, resonant percussion, increased bowel sounds. Portal Suggested by: veins radiating out from umbilicus (caput hypertension medusa) ± ascites ± splenomegaly, other stigmata of chronic liver disease, venous hum over collaterals.
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