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Secondary Survey: First 15 minutes of patient encounter • More in-depth history • Complaint-specific physical exam o Include bedside ultrasound assessment here • Other time-sensitive interventions o Chest drain, antiseizure medications, etc. Both the primary and secondary survey should be completed in less than 20 minutes, correcting problems along the way. Providers do not move on to the secondary survey until problems with the primary survey have been addressed. Initial approach to assessment and management Assess for evidence of airway obstruction: • Are there abnormal breathing noisesfi If the patient remains obstructed, you must proceed to an advanced airway device: • Place a laryngeal mask airway (if available in the district hospital) or proceed directly to endotracheal intubation (if trained to do so) If airway devices are not available, arrange for immediate transfer to referral center Figure 1. Though breathing assessment and management should only proceed after any airway issues have been addressed, airway and breathing are often dealt with simultaneously. Emergency care providers must be efficient and effective in the almost simultaneous management of airway and breathing problems. Develop a clear approach to organize all of the information gathered from often limited history and physical exam. In acutely unwell patients with breathing problems, treatment must be started at the same time that a differential diagnosis is being generated. In the sick patient, consider: • Pneumonia bacterial, viral or fungal • Pulmonary edema heart failure, intoxication. In the hypoxic or tachypneic patient, provide as much oxygen as possible initially. Initial approach to assessment and management Feel for a carotid or femoral pulse for 10 seconds. Acute Respiratory Failure Definition: Respiratory failure is an inadequate gas exchange (adequate 02 intake and/or C02 elimination). Can be caused by decreased alveolar ventilation or oxygenation or decreased tissue gas exchange. All patients in respiratory distress or failure need to be on a monitor, if available, or have vital signs taken every 15min until stable. If you are not able to ventilate or intubate and a patient is in severe respiratory distress, consider early transfer before respiratory failure occurs. Shock Definition: Shock is a state in which there is inadequate blood flow to the tissues to meet the demands of the body; it is a state of generalized hypoperfusion. However, regardless the cause of shock, every patient will display signs of end organ hypoperfusion: confusion, decreased urinary output (<0. Volume Resuscitation in Children Definition: Children in hypovolemic shock are in urgent need of fluid replacement. To prevent further morbidity, it is important to not under or over volume resuscitate the pediatric patient. Causes of Low Volume • Blood loss • Sepsis • Fluid losses from burns, vomiting, or diarrhea • Inadequate intake, malnutrition • Cardiogenic Signs/Symptoms • Obtain vital signs, including heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure and body weight in kilograms • Ask the following questions during your exam of the child: o Is the child tachycardiefi Closed head trauma is defined as head injury with no communication with the outside environment. Causes • Road traffic accidents • Assault • Fall from heights • Sports injuries • Child Abuse Signs and symptoms • History: Ask patient or family members about loss of consciousness, vomiting, recent alcohol use, any seizure activity, and severity of any headache or neck pain. Transfer immediately o Once globe rupture is suspected, the eye should not be further examined or manipulated. An incision will convert any closed nasal fracture to an open fracture so must give antibiotics. Refer to ophthalmology for any evidence of globe rupture, loss of extra ocular eye movement, or hyphema. Eye Trauma Definition: Trauma to the eye can be blunt (fist or hard object striking eye) or penetrating. Any deformity or complaint of eye pain or vision change after trauma must be fully evaluated. Signs and symptoms • Immediate evaluation as a part of the secondary survey during the trauma work up. If yes, suggests problem with retinal nerve or stretch of retinal artery o Pupils unequal or one pupil with tear drop shape (no longer round)if yes, suggests globe rupture or hyphema o Pupils with blood in anterior chamberfi Such injuries can crush solid (liver, spleen) and hollow (bowel, stomach) organs against the vertebral spine or pelvis causing significant damage. See table below to help determine which patients to transfer and which to keep and observe. If a pelvic fracture is found there may be additional injuries present in the head, chest, or abdomen. Basic levels include Flex elbows: C6 Extend elbows: C7 Ability to fully abduct little finger (pinky): Tl Motor loss at level of nipples: T4 Motor loss at level of umbilicus: T10 o Motor exam (must be done on all four limbs independently! If wound is from gunshot mark the path of injury by placing a paper clip on the skin at the first wound and a bent paper clip on the second exit wound. Trauma in Pregnancy Definition: Resuscitation is key to decreasing morbidity and mortality in pregnant patients. If the mother needs imaging for diagnosis, shield uterus and perform imaging Management: General goal is to treat mother first as patient. All pregnant patients >20 weeks require at least six hours of fetal monitoring even after minor trauma Indications for transfer include polytrauma that requires specialty consultation (fractures, head injury), hypotension or tachycardia despite 2L fluid bolus or need for blood transfusion, any detection of fetal heart tones less than 120 bpm during 6hr of monitoring, any vaginal bleeding, or any persistent abdominal pain. Early Involvement of neonatology for a pregnancy of 28 weeks and above Trauma in Pediatrics Definition: A systematic approach is key to the management of trauma in the pediatric population. Children deteriorate later than adults but once clinical decline begins it is severe and occurs rapidly. Causes • Child abuse • Road traffic accidents • Explosions • Blunt or penetrating trauma by animals • Fall from height Signs and symptoms • History o Ask child what hurts and document symptoms related to injury o Ask family if child is acting normal or has vomiting (head injury) o Has child walked since incidentfi This means they may not have abdominal pain on exam, but can have significant internal injury o Spinal injury: children have flexible spines and may have spinal cord injury without findings on X-ray Dofullneurologicalexam. Fractures can be classified as open or closed fractures, multi-fragmented (comminuted) or simple and displaced or non-displaced. Fractures most often result from trauma, however occasionally underlying diseases, such as bony malignancy, undermine the strength of the bone such that bone fracture results from minimal trauma. Dislocation refers to a joint dislocation or luxation that occurs when there is an abnormal separation in the joint. The two conditions can co-exist and may be associated with injury of nearby vessels or nerves. Management: General goal is to assess for possible neurovascular compromise (associated motor and sensory injuries, compartment syndrome), reduce any dislocations, clean any open fractures, and splint as early as possible for comfort. Management of Open Fractures Definition: An open fracture refers to the disruption of the skin and underlying soft tissue that results in communication between the fracture and the outside environment. Severity of the open fracture is based on the Gustilo-Anderson Classification: • Grade I: the wound is less than lcm long. There is a slight or moderate crushing injury, moderate comminution of the fracture and/or moderate contamination. The choice of antibiotic to be used depends on the fracture type and the likely contamination of the fracture site. Commonly affected bones include the distal ulna, radius or carpal bones (scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate bones). Smith fracture • Scaphoid and other carpal fractures • Scapholunate and perilunate dislocation • Distal radio-ulnar dislocation • Montaggia fracture • Supracondylar fracture • Proximal humerus fractureespecially in elderly • Clavicle fracture Investigations • Labs: none • Imaging: X-ray area of tenderness/deformity and joint above and below o Dedicated views may be required: scaphoid fractures Management • Distal radius and ulnar fractures o Displaced fractures must be reduced as quickly as possible and splinted with sugar tong splint. Management: the general goal is to assess for associated neurovascular injuries, as they are very common in elbow fractures. Hand Exam and Fractures Definition: Hand fractures can involve any of the 5 metacarpals or 14 phalanges. Fractures of the hand and fingers are commonly accompanied by dislocation or tendon injury. Causes • Fall on outstretched hand • Direct blow Signs and symptoms • Assess for pain, swelling, deformity and limited range of motion • Hand examination: o Look: If fingers misaligned consider fracture with rotation or dislocation. Transfer patient for management and include affected limb/digit when possible Placeamputatedsectioningauzesoakedwithsaline, then inside a plastic bag. In hip dislocation, the femoral head may lie anterior (10%) or posterior (90%) to the acetabulum. Delay in repair of certain hip fractures or hip dislocation can lead to avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Long-Bone Fractures of the Leg Definition: Long bone fractures of the lower extremity may affect the tibia, fibula, or femur. Have elevated concern for abuse if the child is not yet ambulatory and has a femur fracture or if the history is not consistent with the type of fracture. Knee Injuries Definition: Knee injuries are common and can be accompanied by significant vascular or neurologic injuries. For instance, popliteal artery injuries occur in approximately 35% of knee dislocations. Always check for distal pulses o Failure to re-vascularize the popliteal artery within 6-8 hours leads to approximately 90% amputation rate. Ankle Injuries Definition: Injuries can include ligament injuries, tendon injuries, dislocation or fracture of the tibia, fibula and/or talus. Partial or complete ligament tears are the most common ankle injuries (ankle sprain). Associated proximal tibial and fibular fractures are often seen; therefore careful inspection of the entire leg distal to the knee is very important. The plaster is changed in series, decreasing the plantar flexion and eventually moving toward short-leg casts in a neutral ankle position. Respiratory failure (patient is not able to maintain adequate oxygenation or ventilation) is also a very common cause of death in Rwanda. Start oxygen with non-rebreather mask (bag reservoir) and consider intubation if possible. Is the patient posturing (sitting upright, uncomfortable, with increased work of breathing)fi Consider early intubation if the equipment is available in your hospital and the physician is trained on the procedure. More importantly however, is stabilizing the patient until they reach a referral center. Pneumonia Definition: Infection in the lung space that can be caused by a virus, bacteria, and less often a fungus. Consider a Foley catheter in any patient who is ill appearing and be sure urine output is atleastO. Antibiotics: Treatment regimens are typically based on local sensitivities for pathogens. Large studies do not exist for pathogens specific to Rwanda therefore we must use other guidelines to direct our care. If you do transfer to referral hospital, record what antibiotics were given and for how many days so referral specialists know how to guide treatment upon arrival. Results in mediastinal displacement and kinking of the great vessels, which compromises preload and cardiac output and can cause cardiac collapse/death • Open pneumothorax (sucking chest wound): due to a direct communication between the pleural space and surrounding atmospheric pressure Signs and symptoms • Clinical status and stability of patient is related to size of pneumothorax. Air between the visceral pleural line and chest wall seen as area of black without vascular or lung markings. If the patient will be intubated and/ or given positive pressure ventilation, a chest tube should be placed as a small pneumothorax may be made larger (see Appendix) • If patient does not meet the criteria for stability: o Give supplemental oxygen o Perform immediate need decompression: nd rd Insert14-18gaugeneedleintothe2 or 3 intercostal space, just above the inferior rib, at the mid clavicular line o Place a chest tube as above • If open pneumothorax: o As a temporary measure, the skin wound should be occluded on three sides with a dressing of gauze or plastic sheet: Leave one side of the dressing open to act as a flutter valve. Pulmonary Edema Definition: the presence of excess fluid in the alveoli, leading to impaired oxygen exchange. Pulmonary edema can result from either high pulmonary capillary pressure from heart failure (cardiogenic) or from non-cardiogenic causes, such as increased capillary leak from inflammation. Many patients with acute hypertensive pulmonary edema may not be fluid overloaded! Studies have shown that it is an inferior vasopressor compared to others (such as norepinephrine) in cardiogenic shock (Debacker, et al), but it is the best option to temporarily increase blood pressure. Counsel family and patient early to decide when appropriate to switch goals of care towards palliation. Transfer to referral center only after discussion with family and consideration of whether there is possibility of recovery. While the two are different and often unrelated processes, their clinical symptoms and treatments are similar. Can present anxious (because of inability to breathe), tachypneic, tachycardic, and with wheezing. Massive hemoptysis is rare but frequently fatal; definitions vary from 100-600 ml of blood over 24 hours. Only consider if prognosis is reasonable and referral facility will be able to obtain useful tests. Effusions can be either transudative (caused by changes in the hydrostatic and or osmotic gradient) or exudative (caused by pleural inflammation and increased permeability). If unable to sit, lie patient on affected side with ipsilateral arm above head Use ultrasound to find the largest pocket of fluid and measure distance from skin to fluid.
Safety and efficacy of calcium carbonCoen G yawning spasms buy generic zanaflex 2mg online, Mazzaferro S spasms chest buy generic zanaflex 4 mg on-line, Bonucci E spasms near belly button order genuine zanaflex online, Taggi F iphone 5 spasms order 2mg zanaflex otc, Ballanti P muscle relaxant names purchase zanaflex master card, ate in children with chronic renal failure xanax muscle relaxer buy zanaflex overnight delivery. Nephrol Coen G, Mazzaferro S, Costantini S, Ballanti P, Carrieri Dial Transplant 1989;4(6):539-544. Bone aluminum content in predialysis chronic renal Value of high resolution real-time ultrasonography in secondfailure and its relation with secondary hyperparathyroidism ary hyperparathyroidism. Albumin-corrected calcium and ionized calcium in stable Coen G, Mazzaferro S, Manni M, Napoletano I, Fondi G, haemodialysis patients. Medicachronic renal failure may lower the rate of decline of renal tion knowledge and compliance among patients receiving function. 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Expert Consult eBooks give you the power to browse and find content, view enhanced images, share notes and highlights—both online and offline. Singer Professor of Translational Medicine Professor of Microbiology Director, Human Microbiome Program Departments of Medicine and Microbiology New York University School of Medicine Langone Medical Center New York, New York 1600 John F. Chapters listed below are in public domain; therefore the copyright line for these chapters is: 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc. Mead 204: Trypanosoma Species (American Trypanosomiasis, Chagas’ Disease): Biology of Trypanosomes by Louis V. Kirchhof 217: Visceral Larva Migrans and Other Uncommon Helminth Infections by Teodore E. Henderson 228: Transfusionand Transplantation-Transmitted Infections by Matthew J. Basavaraju No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identifed, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Title: Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s infectious disease essentials / [edited by] John E. Field Chair of Ophthalmologic Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine Research, Distinguished Professor of and Preventive Medicine, Division of Infectious Ophthalmology, Pharmacology, and Diseases, Vanderbilt University School of Bioengineering, College of Medicine, University Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Campylobacter jejuni and Related Species Microbial Conjunctivitis; Microbial Keratitis Michael A. Pancreatic Infection Edward Hebert School of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland Sridhar V. John’s Cardiovascular Research Rheumatic Fever and Glomerulonephritis Center, Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, Torrance, California Endocarditis and Intravascular Infections vii Brian G. Singer Professor of Ebert Professor of Medicine, Department of Translational Medicine, Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Director, Human Microbiome University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Program, Departments of Medicine and Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, Microbiology, New York University School of Little Rock, Arkansas Medicine, Langone Medical Center, New York, Blastomycosis New York Campylobacter jejuni and Related Species; Kevin E. Burd, PhD Nocardia Species Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of Anthony W. Herpesvirus Types 6 and 7 (Exanthem Subitum); Schmidt School of Medicine, Florida Atlantic Herpes B Virus University, Boca Raton, Florida Peritonitis and Intraperitoneal Abscesses Myron S. Walter Contagiosum, and Yatapoxviruses Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital, Rabih O. Research, Global Head of Virology, Transplant Hepatologist, Carolinas Healthcare Vice President, Novartis Vaccines, Cambridge, System, Charlotte, North Carolina Massachusetts Viral Hepatitis Rotaviruses x James M. Louis Rickettsia typhi (Murine Typhus) Encephalitis, Tick-Borne Encephalitis, Kyasanur Forest Disease, Alkhurma Hemorrhagic Fever, Herbert L. Geisbert, PhD Health Clinic, University of Alabama at Professor, Department of Microbiology and Birmingham Health System, Birmingham, Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Alabama Galveston, Texas Protection of Travelers; Infections in Returning Marburg and Ebola Hemorrhagic Fevers Travelers (Filoviruses) Arthur M. Army Medical Research Institute of Massachusetts Infectious Diseases, Frederick, Maryland Babesia Species Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) xii Dale N. Mott Microbiology, and Immunology, Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan University School of Medicine, Nashville, Infections in Asplenic Patients Tennessee Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ellie J. Alden University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Research Laboratory, Santa Monica, California Maryland Bites Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary, and Pancreatic Manifestations of Human Immunodefciency Virus Fred M. Orsola Malpighi and Immunobiology, University of Arizona, Hospital, Bologna, Italy Tucson, Arizona Agents of Mucormycosis and Free-Living Amebae Entomophthoramycosis Joseph A. Food and Drug Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital Administration, Bethesda, Maryland at Montefore, Bronx, New York Alphaviruses Mumps Virus Jeanne M. Durant Professor of Medicine, Allergy and Infectious Diseases, University of Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Temple University School of Medicine, Washington Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Gonorrhea) Bacterial Lung Abscess; Listeria monocytogenes Thomas J. Ralph Meadows Professor and Director, Utilization, Stewardship, and Epidemiology, Wake Division of Infectious Diseases, Department Forest Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, of Internal Medicine and Department of North Carolina Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University Infectious Arthritis of Native Joints of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, Texas Pablo C. Onderdonk, PhD Professor of Medicine, Uniformed Services Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School; University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Microbiology Laboratory, Brigham and Women’s Maryland; Clinical Professor of Medicine and Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Infectious Diseases, University of Texas Health Gas Gangrene and Other Clostridium-Associated Sciences Center, San Antonio, Texas Diseases; Bacteroides, Prevotella, Porphyromonas, Burns and Fusobacterium Species (and Other Medically Important Anaerobic Gram-Negative Bacilli) Daniel M. DeBakey Veterans Osteomyelitis Afairs Medical Center, Houston, Texas Streptococcus pneumoniae Michael N. Duke Professor of Medicine, Chief, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Centre Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois Lausanne, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Lausanne, Switzerland Carolina Staphylococcus aureus (Including Staphylococcal Cryptococcosis (Cryptococcus neoformans and Toxic Shock Syndrome) Cryptococcus gattii) xx Justin D. Louis Professor, Institute of Human Virology, University Encephalitis, Tick-Borne Encephalitis, Kyasanur of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Forest Disease, Alkhurma Hemorrhagic Fever, Maryland Zika) Human Immunodefciency Viruses Craig R. Mandell–Bayer Professor of Infectious of Infectious Diseases, State University of New Diseases, Professor of Medicine, University of York at Bufalo School of Medicine and Virginia School of Medicine; Clinical Professor of Biomedical Sciences; Staf Physician, Veterans Neurosurgery, Director, Pfzer Initiative in Afairs Western New York Health Care System, International Health, University of Virginia Bufalo, New York Health System, Charlottesville, Virginia Agents of Actinomycosis Endocarditis and Intravascular Infections; Acute Meningitis William A. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Associate Professor of Medicine, Departments of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Infectious Diseases and Microbiology & Nonsuppurative Poststreptococcal Sequelae: Immunology, Stanford School of Medicine, Rheumatic Fever and Glomerulonephritis Stanford, California Free-Living Amebae George K. Woodruf Policy, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; Health Sciences Center, Emory University, Chief Hospital Epidemiologist, Vanderbilt Atlanta, Georgia University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Neisseria meningitidis Surgical Site Infections and Antimicrobial Prophylaxis Timothy R. Louis Reuler-Lewin Family Professor of Neurology and Encephalitis, Tick-Borne Encephalitis, Kyasanur Professor of Medicine and Microbiology, Forest Disease, Alkhurma Hemorrhagic Fever, University of Colorado Denver School of Zika) Medicine, Aurora, Colorado; Chief, Neurology Service, Denver Veterans Afairs Medical Center, Anna R. Vannier, PharmD, PhD Health, Bethesda, Maryland Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) Geographic Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Tufs Medical Center and Tufs University School John J. Kass Professor of Medicine, Harvard Infectious Diseases, Medical Service, Shreveport Medical School; Division of Infectious Diseases, Veterans Afairs Medical Center; Professor of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Medicine, Infectious Diseases Section, Louisiana Massachusetts State University Health Sciences Center, Vibrio cholerae Shreveport, Louisiana Rat-Bite Fever: Streptobacillus moniliformis and David H. Stalnaker Distinguished Professor, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Director, Division of Infectious Diseases, Assistant Director, Preclinical Studies Core, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Galveston National Laboratory, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas Cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium Species) Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, Lassa Fever, and the South American Hemorrhagic Fevers Richard J. Caserta 6 Croup in Children (Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis) 11 John Bower and John T. Walsh 12 Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 23 Leopoldo N. Septimus 16 Bacterial Lung Abscess 30 Bennett Lorber xxix xxx 17 Chronic Pneumonia 31 Peter G. Bush 22 Infections of the Liver and Biliary System (Liver Abscess, Cholangitis, Cholecystitis) 48 Costi D. Madoff 23 Pancreatic Infection 49 Miriam Baron Barshak 24 Splenic Abscess 54 Lawrence C. Tunkel 37 Subdural Empyema, Epidural Abscess, and Suppurative Intracranial Thrombophlebitis 86 Allan R. Tunkel xxxi 38 Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt and Drain Infections 88 Adarsh Bhimraj, James M. Guerrant 45 Enteric Fever and Other Causes of Fever and Abdominal Symptoms 104 Jason B. Simonetti, Robin Dewar, and Frank Maldarelli 63 General Clinical Manifestations of Human Immunodefciency Virus Infection (Including Acute Retroviral Syndrome and Oral, Cutaneous, Renal, Ocular, Metabolic, and Cardiac Diseases) 140 Timothy R. Chaisson 64 Pulmonary Manifestations of Human Immunodefciency Virus Infection 142 Paul E. Ard 65 Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary, and Pancreatic Manifestations of Human Immunodefciency Virus Infection 144 Charles Haines and Mark S. Sulkowski 66 Neurologic Diseases Caused by Human Immunodefciency Virus Type 1 and Opportunistic Infections 146 Omar K. Siberry 68 Antiretroviral Therapy for Human Immunodefciency Virus Infection 149 Athe M. Damon 72 Other Poxviruses That Infect Humans: Parapoxviruses (Including Orf Virus), Molluscum Contagiosum, and Yatapoxviruses 178 Brett W. Schiffer and Lawrence Corey 74 Chickenpox and Herpes Zoster (Varicella-Zoster Virus) 183 Richard J. Cohen 78 Kaposi’s Sarcoma–Associated Herpesvirus (Human Herpesvirus 8) 189 Kenneth M. Koralnik 83 Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis Delta Virus 198 Chloe Lynne Thio and Claudia Hawkins 84 Human Parvoviruses, Including Parvovirus B19V and Human Bocaparvoviruses 202 Kevin E. Dormitzer 88 Alphaviruses 207 Lewis Markoff 89 Rubella Virus (German Measles) 209 Anne A. Gershon 90 Flaviviruses (Dengue, Yellow Fever, Japanese Encephalitis, West Nile Encephalitis, St. Louis Encephalitis, Tick-Borne Encephalitis, Kyasanur Forest Disease, Alkhurma Hemorrhagic Fever, Zika) 210 Stephen J. Thorner and Raphael Dolin 99 Vesicular Stomatitis Virus and Related Vesiculoviruses 224 Steven M. Bleck 101 Marburg and Ebola Hemorrhagic Fevers (Marburg and Ebola Viral Diseases) (Filoviruses) 227 Thomas W. Treanor 103 California Encephalitis, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, and Bunyavirus Hemorrhagic Fevers 231 Dennis A. Turner 112 Noroviruses and Sapoviruses (Caliciviruses) 244 Raphael Dolin and John J. Batteiger and Ming Tan 117 Psittacosis (Due to Chlamydia psittaci) 253 David Schlossberg 118 Chlamydia pneumoniae 254 Margaret R. Simberkoff 120 Genital Mycoplasmas: Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma hominis, and Ureaplasma Species 256 David H. Blanton 122 Rickettsia akari (Rickettsialpox) 259 Didier Raoult 123 Coxiella burnetii (Q Fever) 260 Thomas J. Marrie and Didier Raoult 124 Rickettsia prowazekii (Epidemic or Louse-Borne Typhus) 262 Lucas S. Walker 126 Orientia tsutsugamushi (Scrub Typhus) 265 Didier Raoult 127 Ehrlichia chaffeensis (Human Monocytotropic Ehrlichiosis), Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Human Granulocytotropic Anaplasmosis), and Other Anaplasmataceae 266 J. Stevens 131 Nonsuppurative Poststreptococcal Sequelae: Rheumatic Fever and Glomerulonephritis 279 Stanford T. Musher 133 Enterococcus Species, Streptococcus gallolyticus Group, and Leuconostoc Species 283 Cesar A. Baker 135 Viridans Streptococci, Nutritionally Variant Streptococci, Groups C and G Streptococci, and Other Related Organisms 287 Scott W. Reboli 139 Listeria monocytogenes 293 Bennett Lorber 140 Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) 296 Gregory J. Friedlander 141 Bacillus Species and Related Genera Other Than Bacillus anthracis 298 Thomas Fekete 142 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 299 Annette C. Reboli xxxvi 143 Whipple’s Disease 300 Thomas Marth and Thomas Schneider 144 Neisseria meningitidis 301 David S. Apicella 146 Moraxella catarrhalis, Kingella, and Other Gram-Negative Cocci 307 Timothy F. Carpenter 149 Campylobacter jejuni and Related Species 314 Ban Mishu Allos, Nicole M. Blaser 150 Helicobacter pylori and Other Gastric Helicobacter Species 315 Timothy L. Donnenberg 152 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Other Pseudomonas Species 317 Erika D’Agata 153 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Burkholderia cepacia 318 Amar Safdar 154 Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia mallei: Melioidosis and Glanders 320 Bart J. Currie 155 Acinetobacter Species 323 Michael Phillips 156 Salmonella Species 324 David A. Miller 157 Bacillary Dysentery: Shigella and Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli 325 Herbert L. Halperin 164 Rat-Bite Fever: Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus 341 Ronald G. Koehler xxxvii 168 Klebsiella granulomatis (Donovanosis, Granuloma Inguinale) 348 Ronald C. Horton 174 Lyme Disease (Lyme Borreliosis) Due to Borrelia burgdorferi 357 Allen C. Garrett 179 Bacteroides, Prevotella, Porphyromonas, and Fusobacterium Species (and Other Medically Important Anaerobic Gram-Negative Bacilli) 364 Wendy S. Hospenthal 191 Cryptococcosis (Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii) 390 John R. Galgiani 195 Dermatophytosis (Ringworm) and Other Superfcial Mycoses 400 Roderick J. Hay 196 Paracoccidioidomycosis 402 Angela Restrepo, Angela Maria Tobon, and Luz Elena Cano 197 Uncommon Fungi and Related Species 404 Duane R. Wellems 203 Leishmania Species: Visceral (Kala-Azar), Cutaneous, and Mucosal Leishmaniasis 419 Alan J. Magill 204 Trypanosoma Species (American Trypanosomiasis, Chagas’ Disease): Biology of Trypanosomes 420 Louis V.
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Intraocular pressure response to muscle relaxant injection order generic zanaflex from india selective laser trabeculoplasty in the first treated eye vs the fellow eye. Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty Versus Medical Therapy as Initial Treatment of Glaucoma: A Prospective, Randomized Trial. Effect of prior cataract surgery on the long-term outcome of selective laser trabeculoplasty. The effect of selective laser trabeculoplasty on intraocular pressure in patients with intravitreal steroid-induced elevated intraocular pressure. Presence of glaucoma with high probability of progression of glaucomatous optic neuropathy after unsuccessful laser trabeculoplasty or where laser trabeculoplasty is known not to be effective (See Laser trabeculoplasty) 2. Eye with extremely thin sclera (from extensive prior surgery or necrotizing scleritis) 4. Consider discontinuation of antiplatelet / anticoagulant medication if there are no medical contraindications B. Comprehensive eye examination (including gonioscopy and baseline disc and visual field studies) 2. Cautious use in primary trabeculectomy in young myopic patients (increased risk of hypotony) c. Cautious use in eyes with thin or friable conjunctiva or after intraoperative button holes d. Antibiotic antineoplastic compound and antimetabolite (inhibits cellular proliferation) ii. Episcleral fibrosis is most common cause for filtration failure and antifibrotic agents inhibit cellular proliferation and fibrosis i. Move flap dissection anteriorly in eyes of short axial length to preclude cutting into ciliary body and iris root 5. Check for fluid flow through fistula by reforming the anterior chamber with balanced salt solution via paracentesis 13. May interfere with visibility during surgery and later prevent visualization of scleral flap sutures for laser suture lysis 4. Use minimum needed dosage and duration of antifibrotic agents intraoperatively (based on surgeon judgment) 3. Apply with caution in early postoperative period after antimetabolites due to increased risk of hypotony 4. Needling of a failing or encapsulated bleb with subconjunctival injection of antimetabolites D. A written instruction sheet to patient and family on the care of a filtered eye, including what to look for and do at first signs of an infection, and what activities to avoid) B. The effects of postoperative corticosteroids on trabeculectomy and the clinical course of glaucoma: five-year follow-up study. Comparison of a 3and 6-mm incision in combined phacoemulsification trabeculectomy. Temporal corneal phacoemulsification combined with superior trabeculectomy: A retrospective case-controlled study. Long-term follow-up of primary glaucoma surgery with Ahmed glaucoma valve implant versus trabeculectomy. Viscocanalostomy versus trabeculectomy in white adults affected by open-angle glaucoma: a 2-year randomized, controlled trial. A comparison of the intraocular pressure-lowering effect and safety of viscocanalostomy and trabeculectomy with mitomycin C in bilateral open-angle glaucoma. A prospective randomized trial of viscocanalostomy versus trabeculectomy in open-angle glaucoma: a 1-year follow-up study. A randomised, prospective study comparing trabeculectomy augmented with antimetabolites with a viscocanalostomy technique for the management of open angle glaucoma uncontrolled with medical therapy. Interim clinical outcomes in the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study comparing initial treatment in randomized to medications or surgery. Comparison of glaucoma outcomes in black and white patients within treatment groups. Primary viscocanalostomy versus trabeculectomy in white patients with open-angle glaucomas: A randomized clinical trial. Ahmed glaucomas valve impant vs trabeculectomy in the surgical treatment of glaucoma: a randomized clinical trial. Flap suturea simple technique for the revision of hypotony maculopathy following trabeculectomy with mitomycin C. Long-term intraocular pressure control of eyes that developed encapsulated blebs following trabeculectomy. Glaucoma that is uncontrolled, either medically or after laser trabeculoplasty, when visual function is significantly impaired by a cataract 2. Visual acuity, refraction, pin hole vision, glare testing and possibly Potential Acuity Meter to determine extent of visual impairment from cataract 3. To evaluate severity of cataract and to look for evidence of conditions that might lead to complications, i. Pupil exam to determine extent of dilation and relative afferent pupillary defect 5. Dilated fundus examination for extent of optic nerve damage and peripheral retinal status 7. Take a medication history and consider discontinuing certain medications preoperatively a. Standard cataract extraction instrumentation (phacoemulsification preferred over extracapsular cataract extraction, when possible) 2. Describe appropriate patient instructions (post-op care, vision rehabilitation) A. Underscore that visual rehabilitation will be slower than with routine cataract surgery and that it will be longer before a stable refraction is reached E. Stress possible need for additional outpatient manipulations in the perioperative period such as laser suture lysis, releasable sutures, and repair of potential wound leaks F. Give patient an instruction sheet on the care of a filtered eye and signs/symptoms of blebitis Additional Resources 1. Effect of technique on intraocular pressure after combined cataract and glaucoma surgery: An evidence-based review. Surgical strategies for coexisting glaucoma and cataract: an evidence-based update. Documented history of primary angle-closure glaucoma (acute, subacute, intermittent, chronic) c. Anatomically narrow angle (pupil block, plateau iris) determined to be at risk for angle-closure glaucoma d. Determine angle anatomy, grade angle, and document appearance appropriately with a recognized grading system 2. Daily cholinergic use to constrict pupil pharmacologically and pull iris away from angle. Consider pretreatment with argon/diode laser in thick, densely pigmented iris, blue iris with non-compact stroma, or iris prone to bleeding C. Other topical glaucoma medications (beta-blockers, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, miotics) can also be used E. Used to stabilize eye and provide additional magnification and energy density at treatment site. Can be used for entire procedure or pretreatment with argon/diode laser may facilitate penetration in lightly pigmented iris, thick heavily pigmented iris, or iris prone to bleeding. Usually transient; caused by methylcellulose, corneal surface irregularities, blood, pigment dispersion 2. May need to take a break from treatment for a few minutes to an hour to allow blood to clot and retract or bring patient back another day to complete procedure c. In thick, heavily pigmented iris, may interfere with visibility during procedure i. May need to take a break from treatment for a few minutes to an hour to allow pigment to clear from treatment area 4. Causes transient epithelial / stromal whitening (argon/diode) or focal stromal disruption (yttriumaluminum-garnet) i. Contraction burns with argon/diode laser can help pull iris away from cornea then penetrating burns can be more safely delivered ii. Laser peripheral iridoplasty, surgical iridectomy or cataract extraction may be needed if prior maneuvers do not deepen chamber 5. Can be minimized with careful application and removal of iridotomy lens, and post-treatment lubrication with artificial tears 6. Minimized by perioperative use of alpha agonist or other topical glaucoma medications B. Can occur within days/weeks due to blood and pigment dispersion and require touchup once eye is quiet b. Closure common in neovascular glaucoma and uveitis due to inflammatory membranes or pigment dispersion. Consider peripheral laser iridoplasty to open angles further, in plateau iris syndrome 6. An attack of angle-closure glaucoma that is unresponsive to medical therapy and in which corneal edema or shallow anterior chamber precludes laser iridotomy b. Residual angle-closure following laser iridectomy is not caused by pupillary block but abnormal iris angle configuration 3. Phacomorphic glaucoma (lens intumescence) with secondary angle-closure where the pupillary block is not the principal mechanism b. Anterior lens displacement secondary to ciliary body swelling or anterior choroidal expansion after central retinal vein occlusion, inflammation, and ciliary body swelling after sulfa medications (especially topiramate) ii. Most of angle visible but with areas of focal narrowing due to iris irregularities 5. Persistent angle closure after acute attack or subacute angle-closure glaucoma to open angle; may be attempted before goniosynechialysis 7. Treatment consists of placing approximately 24 to 36 spots over 360 degrees, leaving approximately 2 spot-diameters between each spot. Glaucoma medications recommended immediately following laser procedure and the corticosteroid treatment is continued until anterior segment inflammation is resolved 7. Rarely, emergency incisional surgery if elevation sustained and unresponsive to conservative management B. In an extremely shallow peripheral anterior chamber, an initial contraction burn should be placed more centrally before placing the peripheral burn; allows for peripheral deepening b. In virtually all cases, the endothelial burns disappear within several days and have not proved to be a major complication b. Often temporary treatment is pending definitive treatment, especially in case of lens-induced indication E. Long-term effectiveness is possible, but patients need to be followed closely for recurrence of angle closure (especially with plateau iris syndrome) with repeat gonioscopy at routine follow-up intervals. Advise patient that they may experience aching sensation because of longer duration of laser application. Use topical anti-inflammatory agent in addition to other glaucoma medications given 2. Keep scheduled follow-up appointment but call sooner if pain or change in vision is noticed Additional Resources 1. Laser Peripheral Iridotomy with and without iridoplasty for Primary AngleClosure Glaucoma: 1 year results of a Randomized Pilot Study. Long-Term Success of Argon Laser Peripherla Iridoplasty in the Management of Plateau Iris Syndrome. Argon Lser Peripheral Iridoplasty versus Conventional Systemic Medical Therapy in Treatment of Acute Primary Angle-closure Glaucoma. Angle-closure glaucomas that are poorly controlled despite medical and laser surgery interventions a. Laser peripheral iridotomy should be attempted prior to incisional surgery in many types of angle closure C. Performed when laser iridotomy is not possible, due to cloudy cornea, iris too thick to penetrate or poor patient cooperation a. Clear cornea, limbal, or scleral tunnel approach to peripheral anterior chamber. Peripheral iris prolapsed with posterior wound pressure or grasped with forceps and withdrawn through incision f. Ensure that the wound is watertight and that there is a deep anterior chamber at the end of the case C. Core vitrectomy performed with special emphasis on rupture of hyaloid face and creation of a unicameral eye with complete communication of posterior and anterior chambers via a patent iridectomy F.
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Unlike chickenpox muscle relaxant overdose treatment generic zanaflex 4mg line, lesions are at the same stage of development at the same time no matter where they are on the body muscle relaxant orange pill discount zanaflex 4 mg fast delivery. Smallpox vaccine is used in special circumstances to muscle relaxant buy zanaflex 4mg visa vaccinate some military personnel and laboratory workers muscle relaxant 750 buy generic zanaflex from india. Infectious Period Lesions are infectious until the dry scab crusts have separated muscle relaxant 750 mg generic zanaflex 4mg online. Immediately report to skeletal muscle relaxant quizlet purchase zanaflex 2 mg fast delivery your local health jurisdiction by telephone a suspected case of smallpox or smallpox vaccine rash. Cover lesions from smallpox vaccine, which is a different virus that is also contagious. Use standard precautions including gloves for any contact with dressings or with articles soiled with fluid or scabs from skin lesions. Dispose of all dressings in biohazard bags or disinfect dressings with 1:10 bleach and water solution. Follow recommendations from your local health jurisdiction about exclusion from school. Scarlet fever involves a streptococcal sore throat and a skin rash caused by a toxin produced by certain strains of streptococci. Prevention is practicing proper handwashing techniques and keeping all wounds clean. Mode of Transmission Streptococcal infection is usually transmitted by airborne droplets or direct skin contact with an infected person. A person can move the infection from one part of the body to another by scratching. Students with sore throat and fever should be cultured and, if culture-positive, treated appropriately by a licensed health care provider. When throat cultures are done on a cluster of students to check for strep, there will almost always be some who test positive but are without any symptoms. Significant increases in the number of sore throats or increases above normal in school absenteeism (above 10 percent) should be referred to your local health jurisdiction for epidemiologic investigation. The culturing of asymptomatic contacts of a strep case is not generally done except in facility outbreaks. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in some way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of drugs designed to cure infections. Deep puncture wounds are a particular risk because the bacteria grows in a low-oxygen or oxygen-free environment. Incubation Period Usually 3–21 days, but it may range from 1 day to several months, depending on the character and extent of the wound. Rocky Mountain spotted fever typically starts with fever, vomiting, muscle aches, and headache. Cases occur throughout the state although tularemia is usually not tick-associated. Inform parent of all tick bites and the importance of monitoring the site and any early symptoms of tick-borne illness, particularly "flu-like" symptoms or rash over the next month or so. Be sure the parent informs the provider about the recent tick bite, when the bite occurred, and where the student most likely acquired the tick. In most healthy children and adults, initial infection does not immediately develop into disease and the individual is not infectious. The bacteria are spread through airborne transmission from diseased to susceptible individuals. Most cases of untreated infection (90 percent) become dormant and never progress to active disease. Your local health jurisdiction staff will advise when treated student or staff members may return to school. Instruct students not to share items that may be contaminated with saliva, such as beverage containers. Some warts are called genital, plantar, oral, flat, facial or filiform, common, and periungual warts. They may be smooth and flat (as plantar warts on the soles of the feet), raised (as on fingers, knees, and hands), or elongated (as on face and neck). The virus is shed at least as long as visible lesions persist and shedding continues intermittently when warts are not present. Clean and disinfect floors, mats, and other equipment if a large number of cases of plantar warts are present. Sexual abuse must be considered if genital warts are found in children who are beyond infancy and pre-pubital. Providing online access to these rules satisfies the requirements of this section. The superintendent of public instruction is required to provide this notice only when there are significant changes to the rules. These regulations are not intended to imply that any diagnosis or treatment will be performed by school or day care center personnel. Child day care facilities shall: (1) Notify the local health department of cases, suspected cases, outbreaks, and suspected outbreaks of notifiable conditions that may be associated with the child day care facility. Schools shall: (1) Notify the local health department of cases, suspected cases, outbreaks, and suspected outbreaks of disease that may be associated with the school. The following rules and regulations are adopted under the authority of chapter 43. The burden of proving the existence of one or more of the circumstances identified in (a) through (e) of this subsection shall be on the person asserting such existence. The board authorizes the school principal to exclude a student who has been diagnosed by a physician or is suspected of having an infectious disease in accordance with the regulations within the most current Infectious Disease Control Guide, provided by the State Department of Health and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. A school principal or designee has the authority to send an ill child home without the concurrence of the local health officer, but if the disease is reportable, the local health officer must be notified. Diseases in a contagious state may be controlled by excluding the student from the classroom or by referring the student for medical attention. Localized rash cases diagnosed as unrelated to a contagious disease, such as diaper rash, poison oak, etc. Follow-up of suspected communicable disease cases should be carried out in order to determine any action necessary to prevent the spread of the disease to additional children. Notify the teacher of the arrangements that have been made prior to removing the student from school; 5. Notify the school nurse to ensure appropriate health-related interventions are in place. Gloves must be worn when cleansing wounds which may put the staff member in contact with wound secretions or when contact with any bodily fluids is possible; 3. Hands must be washed before and after treating the student and after removing the gloves; and 5. Disposable sheath covers will be discarded in a lined trash container that is secured and disposed of daily. Students of any age must authorize disclosure regarding family planning or abortion. A general authorization for the release of medical or other information is not sufficient for this purpose. Sun control is not required for sun angles less than 42 degrees up from the horizontal. However, local code requirements shall prevail, when these requirements are more stringent or in excess of the state building code. Standard precautions include a group of infection prevention practices that apply to all persons, regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status, in any setting with delivery of healthcare, including first aid. General Precautions • Eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics or lip balm, and handling contact lenses are prohibited in work areas where there is a reasonable likelihood of occupational body fluid exposure. Use of Gloves • When possible, direct skin contact with body fluids should be avoided. All other personnel should have access to first aid supplies, which includes gloves. Staff with sores or cuts on their hands (non-intact skin) having contact with blood or body fluids should always double glove if lesions are extensive. Contaminated Sharps • Students should be advised to report found needles, broken glass, or other sharps, but not touch them. Cleanup must be accomplished using mechanical means such as a brush and dustpan, tongs, or forceps, by staff wearing appropriate protective gloves. Broken glass should be disposed of in a container which keeps others from being cut. General Housekeeping Practices • the employer must ensure that the worksite is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and determine and implement an appropriate cleaning schedule for rooms where body fluids are present. In cases of contamination with body fluids, bathrooms, and high-touch surfaces, registered disinfectants or appropriate bleach solutions will kill most of the organisms which are left. Manufacturer label instructions must be followed, including those for personal protective equipment. Nonenveloped viruses such as noroviruses are more difficult to kill than vegetative (growing) bacteria and enveloped viruses such as influenzas. A 1:10 bleach solution of household (5-6 percent) bleach with a one minute wet time is necessary to kill noroviruses. When products contain both detergents and disinfectants, you can clean first with the product; then use a fresh wipe or cloth to disinfect the surface. When mats are rolled up, all sides of mats should be cleaned before they are rolled up. Microfiber clothes and mops have been shown to be more effective, easier to clean, and use, than the old cloth ones. Procedures for Cleaning and Disinfection of Cleaning Equipment • the employer must ensure employees who have contact with cleaning equipment wear protective gloves. Procedures for Cleaning and Disinfection of Clothing and Linens soiled with Body Fluids • Soiled linens should be handled as little as possible and with minimal agitation. The student should be considered eligible for all rights, privileges, and services provided by law and local policy of the school districts or child care settings. Individual judgments need to be made regarding the placement of children with questionable behavior, impaired neurologic development, or other medical conditions in the typical school or child care setting. All schools and child care facilities should utilize standard precautions and adopt infection control procedures for handling blood or body fluids. The consent of the parent, parents, or legal guardian of such minor shall not be necessary to authorize hospital, medical and surgical care related to such disease and such parent, parents, or legal guardian shall not be liable for payment for any care rendered pursuant to this section. All common schools shall give instruction in reading, penmanship, orthography, written and mental arithmetic, geography, the history of the United States, English grammar, physiology and hygiene with special reference to the effects of alcohol and drug abuse on the human system, science with special reference to the environment, and such other studies as may be prescribed by rule or regulation of the state board of education. The prevention of child abuse may be offered as part of the curriculum in the common schools. Airborne infection isolation this was formerly referred to as a negative pressure isolation room. Airborne transmission this refers to the transmission of microorganisms via inhaled aerosols that results in an infection in a susceptible host. Alcohol-based hand rub this refers to an alcohol-containing (60 to 90 per cent) preparation (liquid, gel or foam), designed for application to the hands to kill or reduce the growth of microorganisms. Aseptic technique this technique is the purposeful prevention of transfer of microorganisms from the patient’s body surface to a normally sterile body site, or from one person to another, by keeping the microbe count to an irreducible minimum. Biomedical waste this is waste generated within a health care facility that requires special handling and disposal because it presents a potential risk of disease transmission. Material shall be considered biomedical waste if: a) They are contaminated with blood or body fluids containing visible blood. Carbapenemase this is a class of enzymes that inactivate carbapenem antibiotics by hydrolysing them. In almost all instances, these enzymes hydrolyse not only carbapenem antimicrobials, but also first, secondand third-generation cephalosporins and penicillins. The genetic information to produce carbapenemases is often located on a mobile genetic element. It is accomplished by using water and detergents in conjunction with mechanicalaction. Colonization Colonization is the presence of microorganisms in or on a host with growth and multiplication, but without tissue invasion or cellularinjury. Cohort staffing this is the practice of assigning specific personnel to care only for patients known to be exposed to or infected with the same organism. These personnel would not participate in the care of patients who have not been exposed to or infected with that organism. Contact exposure this refers to transmission where exposure occurs through physical contact between an infected source and a host, or through the passive transfer of the infectious agent to a host via an intermediate object (fomite). Contact Precautions Contact Precautions are used in addition to Routine Practices to reduce the risk of transmitting infectious agents through contact with an infectious person or their environment. Contact transmission this is transmission that occurs when exposure leads to an infectious dose of (direct or indirect) viable microorganisms from an infected or contaminated source, resulting in colonization or infection of a susceptible host. Direct contact this is the transfer of microorganisms via direct physical contact between an infected or colonized individual and a susceptible host (body surface to body surface). Indirect contact this is the passive transfer of microorganisms from an infected or colonized individual to a susceptible host via an intermediate object. Continuum of care this refers to care provided across all health care sectors, including settings whereemergency (including pre-hospital)careis provided,hospitals,complex continuing care, rehabilitation hospitals, long-term care homes, outpatient clinics, community health centres and clinics, physician offices, dental offices, offices of other health professionals, public health and home health care. Critical items Critical items are instruments and devices that enter sterile tissues, including the vascular system. Reprocessing critical items, such as surgical equipment or intravascular devices,involves meticulous cleaning, followed by sterilization. Decontamination Decontamination is the removal of microorganisms to leave an item safe for further handling. Designated hand washing sink this is a sink used only for hand washing for healthcare workers.
- https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/presentation/presentation-session-3-non-alcoholic-steatohepatitis-nash-definition-natural-history-current_en.pdf
- https://www.lls.org/sites/default/files/file_assets/MGUS_FINAL.pdf
- http://www.hawkesbay.health.nz/assets/Patient-Medication-Information/Dexamethasone-Cancer-Premed-PIL.pdf
- https://books.google.com/books?id=hr4eDQAAQBAJ&pg=PA587&lpg=PA587&dq=allogeneic+stem+cell+transplantation+.pdf&source=bl&ots=WEX6RpHS_x&sig=ACfU3U07teXP9_05WGoZc84ReEv7QYQ4Dw&hl=en
- https://dev.org.es/research-center/order-combivir/